Thursday, August 1, 2019

Space1 Lunar Landing Update

SPACE1 Lunar Landing Update
There are two open windows for going to the Moon during 2019 to engage in a human lunar landing on the surface of the Moon by SPACE1 and its developed resources established over the past six years.

Resources include Moon suits, telemetry, two diverse Safety rockets, one Super and one Electrodynamic, perfected rocket engines and rocket fuel, Mission Control, with advanced hardware and software systems, and the launch sites in the Pacific Ocean.

Operations were ramped up with additional resources to support a man in the Moon landing, however, at both open windows, extremely bad weather resulted in cancellation of the program launch. It was a long shot, given the in-climate weather patterns occurring seasonally and coinciding with launch windows.

Normally the dichotomy of the flight would transfer to 2020, a year later, however, Mars is on a two year cycle and will be favorably close to the Earth during this time. Preparations are being made for program transference from the Moon to Mars.