Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Space1 New Space Inventory System

New Space Inventory - NSI
SPACE1 begins a new space inventory system designed to track millions of rocket parts.

Programmed by Humanoido, the system is complete with pages of technical information for each item, a world wide web analysis, complete photographic cache, order information, cost analysis, numerics on hand, and other parameters.

Computerized New Space Inventory NSI will allow a  more rapid development of rockets, modules and inventions. NSI is now installed and in full operation, in conjunction with the newest leg of the supercomputer system installed at the SPACE1 Rocket Lab which is tied into Space Mission Control.

Inventory is updated each day, is backdated to the first orders, updated with the most recent orders, and serves an analysis of space parts for development and continuing research, along with product and mission development.