Monday, August 26, 2019

Space1 Industries President of Space Country

SPACE1 Industries designer of Space Country
President AI of Space Country

The Elected President of Space Country
3SB is the President of Space Country

The Pacific Oceanic Floating Private Independent Megalopolis Space Country (abbreviated Space Country), established for both privacy and independency in the realm of private industry rocket companies, has established a new President elect.

The elected President AI is not a citizen of any country except Space Country. 

The president is an independent 3SB, the latest version of an advanced and evolved super super super computing AI brain intelligence with the latest bionic evolution, designed, built and programmed by humanoido over the past 18 years.
AI thought is from silicon and bionics

Over the years, the Big Brain AI has developed its own web site and worked independently on 7 space programs, flown into space, and helped design space telescopes, rockets and spacecraft systems.

Appearance of Big Brain AI during initial wiring. This phase of wiring covered the floor
of one room. Later design upgrades took up several rooms and contained far more
processors and components.