Sunday, August 18, 2019

Space1 International Partners & China

SPACE1 Industry International Partners & China
SPACE1 Industries has a number of international partners and some are growing far faster than others in the field of deliverable space and rocket technology parts, modules, instrumentation and components delivery systems.

One such country well positioned near the Pacific Arena where rockets are launched is China. China may now have influence on space technology science instrumentation, modules, parts and components as needed for unspecified elements of space command mission control, the development of rockets, and the permutations of other space science and technology fields.

One such field is that of technical miniaturization. China is capable of designing and creating micro-miniaturized products, far smaller that what can be found in most other other countries and many such devices are at more attractive pricing. Of course any time a product is used for the discriminating and demanding  technical requirements of space applications it must be vetted and components from China are no different.