Monday, November 26, 2018

Space1 Rocket Thunder

Secretly Mask Rocket Thunder!
Rocket Thunder refers to sum of very loud and thunderous noise associated with rocket lift off, sonic booms, and various phases of the mission. For the first time in five years, SPACE1 offers its secret tips to silence secret rocket missions!

At Space1, rocket noise is normally heard at a great distance. However, research is ongoing to minimize rocket sound both internal and external to the rocket and to improve a sound elimination formula that can eliminate explosions from sonic booms altogether. Additional steps are taken for sound reduction and/or elimination.

* Locate a spaceport surrounded by mountains to absorb/reflect sound
* Random arrangement of trees in a forest are natural soundproof sheathing
* The rocket itself can have a sound dampening fitted design
* The spaceport launch site can have artificial structural absorption platonics
* Rocket X technology can eliminate sonic boom sound by delta vectoring
* Reduce the number of noise generating rocket engines
* Create anti-noise where sound waves are canceled and annihilated
* Launch during dry conditions when sound propagates less effectively
* Direct the sound in another direction
* Move sound into clouds for absorption
* Target days of reduced atmospheric pressure
* Create a ground launch pad that absorbs sound
* Quickly distance away from the ground which may be reflective
* Launch at a parabolic foci redirector - convert sound to parallel S waves