Sunday, November 18, 2018

Space1 Living by the Space Stick

How a Stick can Enable Life into the Future of Space
Want to live to see those fantastic promises made by the space program? Want to live farther into the future? Interested in seeing settlers and colonization of Mars? A journey to the stars?

Everyone lives with their own stick of life, some just born are at their beginning of the stick and some with fewer days to live are at the short end of the stick. Our position on the stick of life is determined by many things such as our chronological age, physical age, sickness or degree of health, genes and longevity, accident, and good living or poor living abuse indulgences to name a few.

Once the short end of the stick is reached, all hope is not lost - there are ways to gain more stick but it takes some luck and maybe some technology. Now new evidence, science and technology, are offering ways to increase our time of life. For example, if the human body has a failing or failed component, surgery may be an option to replace the failed organ with a machine cyborg version to gain additional years of life, thus making the stick longer. Sometimes this is a significant gain. But this is a gamble - sometime surgery itself can be too much and result in a clot, stroke, heart failure, or the human body giving up, and thus the stick will end, ultimately causing death.

Another technique is to use a machine to extend life through a technique known and Enhanced External Cardiopulsation. This increases circulation in the human body to a point where some have reported sensory enhancements strong enough to be labeled super power.

The advantage of extending one's stick of time into the future is gaining a personal witness to modern technology and perhaps spectacular new achievements of mankind - for example, witnessing humanity becoming a multiplanetary species, trips to the Moon, Motels in space, outposts and settlers on Mars, Solar System stations on various moons, mining of the asteroids, and trips to the stars.