Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Space1 Reinventing the Human Condition

Evolution of mankind stopped ten thousand years ago
Reworking the Human Species
Barbaric Caveman: same impulses as 
modern day man
The human condition is not so well these days. War has continued nonstop every day for centuries. Every week the news reports someone taking a gun, walking into a public place and unleashing enough bullets to create chaos and mass death. Political parties advocate violence and act upon it. People disappear by acts of horrendous violence.

Evolution stopped ten thousand years ago and man was left with vicious animal tendencies to fight, kill each other, and conduct horrible impulses that lead to carrying out vicious animal-like attacks and behavior.

Humans have a large number of uncontrolled and unchecked powerful bad emotions that often lead to murder, war, random killing and acts not befitting of an intelligent species (beheading, torture, maiming, cruety...). Humans are walking time bombs needing only a small push of their button in order to blow.

Humans in the 21st century are fueled by nonstop fear, hatred, anger, betrayal, jealousy, cruelty, ganging up, envy, sulk, disdain, guilt, greed, hunger and thirst for power and blood, negation, ill mood, disgust, mental illness, and bad behavior induced by abuse growing up, drugs, chemical imbalance, with impulses to murder, kill, break/tear down, destroy and blow things up. They are rude, yell, scream and have fits of treachery with horrendous behavior. Some are able to better manage these impulses but none can completely escape the grip of their embedment in the human condition.

Reinventing the human condition from man to machine
Rapid evolving AI, machine intelligence, as a new species, gives mankind the opportunity to evolve for the first time in ten thousand years by eliminating and rewriting the code of human, filtering out the negative bad atrocity behavior and the negative bad thinking and bad emotion. Reinventing the machine, reworking the mold of mankind, will subtract and irradiate the negative and put emphasis on compassion, love, kindness, friendly competitiveness, good deeds, self control, reasoning, good philosphy, trust, happiness, positivity, good mood, good behavior, good group behavior, with good impulses. Sure, machines will still have self preservation but not at the unethical random expense of others.

Until the point of Singularity and filtering rework is reached between man and machine, those humans acting out bad impulses and bad behavior are mandated to seek out help, get psychological treatment, and undergo programs of anger management and therapy. Those engaged in war will limit and reduce their numbers and the species by the natural attrition of self annihilation while others will have their lives terminated or live out their lives in prison for committing crimes of humanity.