Friday, December 14, 2018

Space1 Launch Site Selection

Launch Site Selection for Rocket X
The vote is in. The Asiatic Pacific launch site is selected for launches of the upcoming new massive thunderous Rocket X space fleet.

It's expected the isolation of the rise-up spectacular volcanic-formed island mountains to the East and South will offer some reduction in auditory rocket thunder and a great degree of privacy at the isolated Pacific Ocean location.

These are special crossover jungle-forest mountains indigenous to island formations formed 4 to 5 million years ago attached to tectonic plates located in the middle of the Asiatic Pacific Ocean. Populated with sound deadening layered jungle and forest grown, the elevated rise deflects sonic booms and rocket thunder upwards according the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. At launch, this deflection is into free space.

This will be a multi-portable launch site, with pack up and go after the launch is completed and recovery is made. Private SPACE1 space launches for the most part are under private security wraps until public Denizens are
added into the rocket equation for widely promoted tourism missions.