Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Space1 Rocket X Design

Rocket X Capsule
Rocket X is being designed for an open front end capsule that can carry a variety of space Denizens, including Brain fish trained as astronauts and being carried with their own space-faring water environment.

Rocket X will have a sealed capsule capable of being pressurized and encapsulated with a fish water environment for fish space travel. The same capsule can have reconfiguration modes for other life forms. The capsule will have a drop in seal containing fish denizens and the complete water space environment. Filtering is based on the number of space faring denizens and the expected time of the mission. Fish are also susceptible to rocket effects such as G forces, weightlessness, temperature, pressure and rocket vibrations. The fish can also watch the entire mission through the picture window if the liner is transparent enough. If the liner is not transparent enough, it will be abandoned for a better plan with a clear surround picture window.