Thursday, December 27, 2018


Humanoido Updated December 2018
Humanoido Stats Excerpt

In regards to SPACE1 Industries, Humanoido has the following stats: Founder, Owner, CEO, CFO, CMO, COO, CIO, Aerospace Flight Engineer, Rocket Scientist, Humanoid Roboticist, Inventor, Supercomputer Designer, Graphics Artist, Astronaut, Physicist, Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Human Genetics Designer, Cartographer, Mathematician, Philanthropist, Astronomer, Photographer, Astrophotographer, Optician, graduate of 28 schools - levels achieved two PHD, Space Time Relativity, Quantum Physics, Mathematics, Physics, Advanced Laboratory, Creator Adjunctive Space Telescopes, Comet Mapping, Computer Programming 86+ languages, Inventor of Computer Languages (OPTICS, PLAN), Speak 12 international languages to program speech humanoid robots, inventor & Father of the AI Cognizant Big Brain Super Intelligence with 240,000 processors (currently working for SPACE1), inventor of Supertronic Intelligence, 1,706 inventions, Inventor rockets, Remote Online Cyber Space Telescope, developer humanoid robots & life forms, invented Power Space Telescopes, founder of multiple private industry space programs (Micro Space, Next Space, Near Space, Deep Space, SPACE1, others), additional stats upon request. (many publications, Books: Robots, Power Telescopes, Astro Tips)

In 2018, Humanoido surpassed the powerful Big Brain with 240,000 processors by inventing the Super Brain, a new super machine intelligence with 241,028 processors. In December of 2018, Humanoido surpassed the Super Brain by inventing the Super Super Brain, the ultimate powerful brain thus far created.

The Super Super Brain is a massive private project designed and built by Humanoido at SPACE1 Industries - a private space venture, signed under NDA Non Disclosure Agreement with guarded protection of Intellectual Property and multiple layers of hired guard and security. General blogging and information is provided on a limited need to know basis by the author. Humanoido is the founder of SPACE1 Industries, and is the Owner and Chief Robotics & AI Machine Intelligence Director at HRG, the organization that manufactures AI brains and thinking machines for humanoid robots and advanced private aerospace industry.

Specialty Mars:  Mars Mapping & Cartography (created complete global Mars maps during several oppositional seasons, inclusive of Spherical Coordinate Projections and Mercator Projections), creator of IBM Fortran IV Mainframe Program of Mars Global Planetocentric Weather Prediction System*, Mars SPC South Polar Cap Sublimation formula derivations, Mars letters of work praise Lowell Observatory Flagstaff Arizona, Mars Presentations at the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers, Academy of Sciences, UCLA, Creighton University, Proceedings and others, Coauthor paper with Dr. Charles Capen Mars authority, studies of Mars Dust Storms, Mars Observational Studies, Mars Spectroscopic Filter Sudies, developer of Mars Astrophotographic Techniques in Film Processing, Inventor: the VIP Video Image Processor Machine for Mars, Papers: The Occultation of Mars, The Regression Progression of the Martian SPC, New Formulae for Mars, Mars publications; Sky & Telescope, Strolling Astronomer, Observatory Techniques, Modern Astronomy, Optika, EOS, Mars Watchers, Academy of Science, Proceedings, etc., Mars Oppositional Studies, contributor the Mars Initiative, developer of Precursor Mars Rocket Flight, Founder Mars Connect, Member numerous Mars societies,

* Useful for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena Calif., astronomers & observatories, various spacecraft orbiting and landed on Mars, Mars expedition planning and future Mars colonists

Humanoido Organizations Founded
News Ink Printers
MakeUp Artisans Group
Sci Labs
Humanoid Construction Company
Rocket Launch Technologies & Systems
Micro Space Technologies
Next Space Technologies
Near Space Technologies
DSC Deep Space Center
ULTRA Space Administration
SPACE1 Technologies
Humanoid Robotics Lab
Humanoid Robotics Group HRG
Big Brain Intelligent Machine Life Form Initiative
AI Programming & Development Center
Supercomputer Center
O&O Astronomical Observatory
Tech Publishing Company
Z-Robot Foundation
Humanoid Programming Est.
AC Power Line Industries
United Humanoido Laboratories
WRS Whisper Radio Station
STI Space Telescope Industries
Power Telescope Initiative
ECC Earth Control Center
SETI-2 International Division
EIT Electronics Invention Technologies
Mars Connect
Observatory Techniques
Singularity Observatory
Amping Technology Organization
Skyscraper Observatory
Xtelescope Group
Super Brain Technologies
Elevation Machine Org
The Super Super Brain (SSB) Group

Humanoido Quotes

Contact email: space1usa(at)gmail(dot)com