Sunday, August 25, 2019

Space1 Industries Private Independent Space Country

Space1 Industries Pacific Oceanic
Floating Private Independent
Megalopolis Space Country

SPACE1 Industries Pacific Oceanic Floating Private Independent Megalopolis Space Country (abbreviated Space Country) establishes both privacy and independency for the private industry rocket company, and maintains flights of the worlds's only Safety Rocket.

The SPACE1 Industries Pacific Oceanic Floating Independent Megalopolis Space Country is a concept developed for maximum efficiency space travel and rapid rocket launch recovery efficiency. The new country is being developed by Humanoido and SPACE1 Industries.

The new private floating country is free of stifling registrations, fees, permits, tax, unnecessary laws and rules, and untimely bureaucratic legislation often imposed on space travel by foreign countries. Space Country (SC) is moored far offshore of any worldly country to establish independence. SC can migrate to change its oceanic position by floating to a new location and dropping anchoring stabilizers to facilitate launching and recovering rockets to fit the proper astrophysical orbital inclinations and windows.

Being developed are typical country necessities such as a defense net, transportation, communications, and a constitution with fundamental protective laws. Space Country can operate in unison with established future independent off planet colonies such as those on the Moon, Mars, or Solar System moons, etc.