Monday, February 4, 2019

Space1 RocketX Spectacular Advancements

RocketX Spectacular Advancements
SPACE1 has taken its Safety RocketX to spectacular advancements in 2019.

There are often clarity defining moments throughout time. The recent launched trip to the mountain was one of those times.

Rocket Durability
Blazing down from the mountain at electromagnetic speed via the EM Machine, it was realized that doubling the durability of RocketX to that of Durellium B would make wide sweeping improvements to not only an increase to fuel pressurization containment resulting in more fuel on board and the ability to travel farther in space, but increased wall thickness of the crew quarters as well thus eliminating the need for extra structure beams which will bring down rocket construction cost. This will space harden the rocket and increase the safety of an already safe safety rocket.

EM to Supplement Orbital Rocket Missions
Additional inventions by Humanoido introduce the EM Machine, an elevation space travel vessel machine that can supplement the orbital RocketX program. This has remained the stimulus for new RocketX innovations since its intro.

RocketX New Shape
A new change to RocketX for 2019 is the new built in shape that homogenizes the entire rocket: including crew quarters with the recovery dwelling. The new shape melds one section with the other, which improves aerodynamics during the Tropospheric section of the flight mission.

Rocket Chamber Lab
Revamping of the Rocket Chamber lab is underway which will provide larger spaces for developing contractual machinery and rocket designs.

For more information about SPACE1 in 2019