Saturday, February 23, 2019

Space1 We are Space1


SPACE1 is like an incredible mission from the future. We do things in the here and now with technology that others think can only happen in the distant future. Our inventions, mixing many fields of science, are ultimately fantastic and give surprising results. You don't need to understand how it works, just understand the effects. The effect is changing all humanity and how we think about the future.

Located within the ultimate privacy of deep Asiatic Pacific Ocean on grand rising volcanic island spires of great and beautiful breathtaking magnificence, SPACE1 and the associated enterprise technologies empire is the brainchild of founder, inventor and explorer Humanoido. In the year that Albert Einstein moved to the cloud, Humanoido drafted ramping plans for a science & technology company, completed a telescope observatory, Lunar Lab, and invented his first talking humanoid in a small laboratory which led to an exciting escalating ladder of science, invention, and technology.