Saturday, February 16, 2019

Space1 Penetrating Spectrographics

Penetrating Spatial Spectrographic Lucid Molecular Machine
Humanoido, Director of SPACE1, has invented a machine to engage penetrating spatial spectrographics to enable a far greater range in the exploration and tourism of space.

The Penetrating Spatial Spectrographics machine (PSS) is an all-in-one machine that can extend a real time penetrating visual arm deeper into the realm of space and time for space analysis.

Sparked by a spectrographic spinoff of Ground Penetrating Radar used on the Venus Mapping Mission to penetrate the thick shielding atmosphere, the PSS is capable of wavelength tuning the best penetration per given region of space. Built from common OTS gear found in United Humanoido Laboratories, the PSS machine could potentially be coupled to the interpretations of new dimensions during space travel. The PSS machine may open up a new door to the exploration of space time dimensions never before seen in the Universe.