Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Space1 2019 Space Security Division

Space Security Division - Commando Units
SPACE1 Industries takes security very seriously and has increased security in 2019 to a new all time high on red alert. After a recent threat and attempt at theft of intellectual property as joint reported by Attorney AH and Chief of the Board, SPACE1 has increased its Space Security Division multiple fold.

Security is the tightest, as new hired full salaried specialist commandos guard the premises 24/7 and no one can enter the compound without direct voice to voice authorization from either the Founder/Director or the President. Those with permission to enter the main compound will also undergo facial recognition by Commando Central and will be required to pass all check points.

Security equipment includes half foot thick solid steel doors at the premises with no windows and 6 to ten deadbolts on each blast rated door. Each door is mechanically pass protected with multiple alarms. The request for authorization to enter sounds an alarm and anytime the door is opened an alarm is sounded.

The building is further pass protected with massive ten foot high steel and iron doors, additionally equipped with motion detectors and electronic digital keyed computer controlled panels. Protection is additionally multi fold with facial recognition, fingerprints, electronic keys, motion detection, video surveillance cameras, guard recognition and query, and mechanical barrel bores to name a few. All actions are recorded and monitored on live security video feed systems.

Elevators are now security password protected and will remain dead without the correct authorization security passwords. For a person to enter, there are multiple authorization check points, each with an alarm. All checkpoints, hallways, doors, interiors, exteriors, commando central, elevators, etc. are equipped with identification security cameras, monitored and recorded 24/7.

The new Space Security Division Commando Units now voraciously screen incoming threats to its online systems. The super computing center is guarded by monitoring all data, inclusive of all email and e-communications with personnel both inside and outside of SPACE1. New law voted into effect now prohibits the rehiring of an individual who was previously fired or quit. Anyone violating the Protection Naming Act of Handle Use will be immediately expelled. Additional laws amend the 2014 Charter.