Friday, March 22, 2019

Space1 Fastest Machine Alive

EM Rocket Takes the Speed Cake
The EM has become so fast that it takes the record for the fastest machine alive at SPACE1. Consisting of credules of Artificial Intelligence AI and the record pace speed that's 232,500 times faster than a high speed bullet, the EM is a special space machine that breaks all records.

Incorporating his own previous inventions, SPACE1 Founder and Director Humanoido, created an EM rocket that can do far more than conventional rockets in terms of speed and AI. Humanoido explains, "The machine works opposite that of a conventional rocket, in a kind of anti-anatomical reverse engagement of the physical, so in some areas it can do much more and in other areas it does a bit less. Lots of proof will start pouring in during the orbital missions to the Moon, and the Far Side, that were described earlier."

In many EM missions, there is practically no waiting to get to prime target. Inner planets like Venus, Mars and Mercury take a few minutes while outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune take only a few hours.

Speed of EM Rocket