Friday, March 1, 2019

Space1 EM 2nd Consecutive Space Flight

SPACE1 Launches 2nd Consecutive EM Manned Space Flight
Wednesday February 20th, 2019 Space Launch

History in the Making: The EM machine returned yesterday from its successful space mission and was immediately prep ready for a new mission today. In the early morning hours, the master EM was unveiled and launched into space, the second hop skip mission to test and stretch the capabilities of the new safety spacecraft.

The powerful Elevation Machine took a high rising stance across the Pacific Rim, and free vectored in on a chosen flight path, piloted by Humanoido. With the comfortable shirt sleeve environment, the mission was a piece of cake. The space craft initially blasted through miles of smog and air pollution amidst the steady air weather with a gentle warming trend.

The EM spaceship was traveling at a speed matching an electromagnetic particle bullet, same as the previous flight, and the mission focused on resolution of the flight parameters to elevate the readings in the home dimension. Any acquired camera footage is regulated and controlled by Space Security Central during this private mission.

Humanodo quoted, "When I swung the spacecraft around and looked through the view port, the view was fantastic so high up. She was steady with no perceptible buffeting and the return landing was precise - in exactly the same spot as the launch."

February 19th, 2019 EM Launch