Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Space1 Rocket Autometry

Space1 Introduces Automatic Rockets
In the final Apollo mission, human failure to mechanically activate a switch at the right time almost killed all three astronauts. For this reason, Humanoido at SPACE1 has created a field of Rocket and Spaceflight Autometry, of automating and making rocket flights autonomous.

With Autometry, once the rocket is launched, everything happens autonomously, quickly and automatically. Some events subject to autometry are ejection, communications, engine burn, cutoff, venting, ascent and descent trajectories, navigation, deployment, parachute ejection, signal markers, and events leading to recovery.

Rocket X is the first purely Autometry rocket and for the most part, astronauts, species denizens, and space tourists are for the most part merely along for the ride. Of course, any anomaly not fixable by the Autometry autonomous feature may override by fixing it on the spot by space denizens.