Thursday, October 17, 2019

Space1 Lowering Cost to Space

SPACE1 Lowers Cost to Space
A number of factors help lower the cost to space, according to SPACE1

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SPACE1 rocket rides to space are rapidly approaching zero cost. Rocket reusability is only one factor that helps lower the cost of going into space. SpaceX is using free consumables such as a Patonic rocket fuel found on Earth and other planets. The rocket body is also free along with the faring and can be recycled into additional space launches. The powerful Herculean engine is also reusable and can be printed from a common material of little cost in its raw form. The parachute is not used as its replacement of a common material is lower cost and more effective. The launch tower is also reusable numerous times. The Safety Rocket may also eliminate some human consumables and items not needed by Augmented Humans.