Friday, October 4, 2019

Space1 Space Nation Startup

SPACE1 Space Nation Startup

The space council has asked what is the smallest space nation startup? In terms of floating country approaches to creating a rocket space country, three incrementing examples are provided.

In reviewing, the three illustrations show a possible step 1, step 2, step 3 plan schedule. SPACE1 provides the Space Council with incremental proposals with various dollar amount development costs and time schedules. At the far top, a single rocket launch is the fastest and smallest entity to construct, and is the most limited in storing/launching/landing one rocket at a time. Residents must reside off site on a docking ship which doubles as a towing barge to the floating island nation which is located independently.

The second larger Space Nation handles multiple rockets and can dock more ships. The floating platform has expansion units, and the beginning of space rocket manufacturing facilities with lodging for residents who migrate to the ocean Rocket Space Nation.

The third future proposal is the most expensive, time consuming to construct, space science and technology comprehensive, and can hold vast expanding cities of space denizen colonists to support expanding space science, rocket launches and landings. As seen in the illustration, it can handle dozens of rockets, space launches, and landings.