Thursday, October 10, 2019

Space1 America In the News

SPACE1 America In the News
Wednesday October 9th, 2019

SPACE1 News Center

Left: massive rockets are prized but remain low tech white elephants in the new American private space industry due to rapid evolution of changing AI space technology and new space travel requirements.

Launch Schedules
In the news, SPACE1 rolls out all new space rocket launch scheduling, based on the upcoming factors of A) Weather changes, B) Launch windows, and C) Other factors. For weather changes, as the Fall season is moving into October and November, the appearance of the typhoon season and end of continual Monsoon rains will definitely affect rocket launches. Depending on launch locations, oceanic factors play a big part in the region's stability. This year's changes are brought about by significantly rising ocean temperatures, imparting massive heat energy in the creation of colossal storms. Rocket launches are highly sensitive to weather fronts, wind, rain, temperature, pressure, humidity, and changing delta conditions, all elements of various weather.

EM Rocket on Standby  After being delayed on a trip to the Moon for a manned lunar landing due to bad weather and as a result missing the launch window, the EM Safety Rocket was put into suspended stasis and moved back into a towering stow position inside SPACE1 rocket hangar center one, waiting for the next favorable opposition and/or planetary/moon alignment. (EM has successfully achieved a Lunar South Pole Recon mission. See links below.)

New Safety Rocket  Humanoido has completed the new Super Safety Rocket. The previous rocket was Super X, now renamed. The new rocket has a fleet of three, inclusive of the Herculean Engine which is super reliable due to no moving parts. Additionally, the advent of the new rocket introduces design parts which can be printed, primarily the rocket engine. The engine continues to use Patonic Rocket Fuel which is available nearly everywhere (Earth, Moon, Mars, and other Solar System worlds).  Herculean Rocket Engine 2019/09/space1-massive-herculean-engine-approved.html Patonic Rocket Fuel

Singularity Observatory
The Looming Moon  The Looming Moon is a series of SPACE1 projects to return SPACE1 back to the Moon since the days of the South Polar Orbiter missions. (see links) This will lead to a series of lunar missions culminating with the high tech landing of a man on the Moon unlike any Moon landing before. The timeline is variable depending on weather conditions and Moon-Earth alignments.

Rocket Space Nation  Humanoido's concept of a new country is under full development. High tech space and rocket orientated, and located off shore in the far Pacific ocean, increases safety and avoids red tape, fees, and time consuming government and regulatory bureaucracy. /2019/09/space1-index-rocket-space-nation.html

2020 Space Currency  Space1 introduces 2020 Space Currency atop the rising data sphere of mega cryptocurrency. Beyond physical and cyber space, this special currency must transcend the gravitational boundaries of space and time, scaleable from one space program to another. 2019/10/space1-space-coin-cryptocurrency-block.html

Big Brain Renamed The Big Brain evolves to the Super Super Super Brain Bionic Evolution Revolution AI (3SB). The Brain AI was elected to the President AI position.

New Rapid High Tech Augment Development  Space flight Augments continue to rapidly develop and now include a selection of species specifics. Human Augments allow humans to undergo greater space stress. This currently includes withstanding massive G forces, experiencing great periods of weightlessness, and undergoing suspended animation hibernation for very long space journeys. For example, at 7Gs, bones break and eyeballs split apart, i.e. retinas detach. However human augments survive to around 27 Gs.

Quantum Lab  The relocated SPACE1 Quantum lab is continuing ongoing work to develop the next possible iteration expansion of 3SB. According to Google, Quantum has supremacy over classical computing. "While our processor takes about 200 seconds to sample one instance of the quantum circuit 1 million times, a state-of-the-art supercomputer would require approximately 10,000 years to perform the equivalent task. Source: Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor 2018/09/space1-lab-list-2018.html space1-quantum-singularity-quadlyzer.html

SPACE1 Looming Moon Programs

Quantum Effects Leading to a Next Generation 3SB
Quantum Dimension The Big Brain's Quantum Space Program began with a new theory of the Universe and how the Big Bang's prior states are connected to the quantum world which are related to the doors that exist to the quantum dimensions.
DIY Black Hole & Door to Quantum Dimension
Quantum Effect Study with the Q Machine
Q Machine
Quantum Space
Quadlyzer - Quantum Analyzer
Quadlyzer Quantum Analyzer
New Universe Theory, Quantum Space