Monday, April 22, 2019

Space1 Mars Weather Prediction Program

Mars Weather Prediction
Humanoido, Founder and Director of SPACE1, has invented the Mars Global Weather Program, a weather prediction system that predicts weather on Mars for future colonists and for space industry sending spacecraft and probes to Mars.

Mars routinely goes through seasons which create violent weather fronts, dust storms and massive global weather changes that can cause total white-out of all planetary features.

To a Martian colonist, or private space industry sending probes and spacecraft to Mars, knowing the weather is paramount.

Humanoido's software program, years in the making, calculates and predicts weather based on the Martian atmosphere which goes through a cyclic variation of sublimated co2 and annual seasonal variation of water in the polar caps.

The energy of this system causes huge storms to follow, often enveloping the entire planet.