Sunday, April 28, 2019

Space1 Historical Moon Landing

The First Moon Landing in 1902

A scifi story was written in 1902, long before man walked on the surface of the Moon in 1969.

The first science fiction film ever made - 117 years ago – was by Georges Méliès's in 1902 Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon).

The orange single hatched lunar capsule, the same color as the NASA Space Shuttle's twin SRB's Solid Rocket Boosters, was a massive bullet made up of formed and bolted together metal cast panels, shot out from a giant cannon aimed at the Moon. The plot behind A Trip to the Moon is simple – a group of professors use a giant cannon to launch themselves to the moon, take a nap on the lunar surface, kill moon aliens, return to Earth with a splashdown in the ocean, and celebrate their journey with a parade in the city. As the composition of the lunar surface was completely unknown in 1902, the film's artisans took artistic liberty to represent the Moon as a very alien-like spired mountainous landscape. Basically the bullet capsule had no prevailing technology inside according to this illustration.