Friday, April 19, 2019

Space1 Space Board & Securities

SPACE1 Space Board
The SPACE1 Space Board held its FQ 2019 meeting and went over the various laws in the charter and updated the schedules for the first part of the year.

As ranking SPACE1 numbers reached and exceeded 1,000 in 2019, new regulatory commission and governing laws were immediately put into effect.

In 2019, Space Securities is a new hired force to recon with, dealing with issues of security, privacy, safe keeping of intellectual property, maintaining and enforcing non-disclosure agreements, and perimeter safeguarding private land and property with commandos. The organization is also conducting email data mining and internet regulation, licensing and regulation of property and ideas, and finally dealing with those that abuse the laws of the Space Industry.

The new impetus moving towards the future of 2020 will include adding species to the Astronaut Training Program, ramping up manned space launches, making full use of the highest tech space program in existence with the EM Rocket, licensing Safety Rocket technology for all humanity, going back to the Moon in 2019, and on to Mars in 2020 (October 6th closest approach) supporting the Multi Planetary Humanity Space Programs and engaging the new Federation of Space Traveling Species. A prime interest is one of technological space tourism, dimensional space travel, at an affordable cost and a goal that's inclusive of all people.