Thursday, April 2, 2020

SPACE1 Mars Cars Update 03.30.20

SPACE1 Mars Cars Update 03.30.20
Electric Mars Cars are being updated in concept to drive from one habitat to another on underground roads built from Martian regolith

Much smaller than a TESLA, bulk Mars Cars are being designed by Humanoido to traverse a future connective underground network on Mars. Like the personal family car on Earth, family Mars Cars will transport you from one location to another through the road net and supplement the larger Tesla fleet. Mars Cars will have wireless control built in and can communicate with a bluetooth transmitter and small antenna. The electric vehicle is keyed and can drive with a human at the wheel using a standard accelerator and brake. It's expected that future versions will be fully autonomous and driven by site to site computer.

The first testing began on the first assembly line of Mars Cars. The power cell retention methodology needs revamping as the power pack is extremely dense and will need increased retainer. The power cell sensor needs to be installed to indicate the status of the power pack condition. The power cell needs wiring into the drive system for testing to commence and a chemical recharge. The power cell charging system needs testing and operational confirmation. The power cell has a plug compatible with solar cell recharging systems on Mars using the Mars Cars standard current and voltage.

Technically speaking, Mars Cars have 5 wheels under the chassis and one for steering inside the cabin. Mars Cars are initially designed to move in the forward drive direction without an electric reversal contrivance. However, due to the nature of the good car design and the underground street design, there is no need for reversing - a reverse is not installed based on the controller type. Mars Cars have special mechanical steering engagement with one shift. The shift releases one set of wheels to enable a full 360 degree mechanical vectoring, including in the reverse direction, making an electronic reverse unnecessary. Driving Mars Cars is easy to learn after some easy lessons.

Though diminutive in size for spaceship transport to Mars, and due to their minuscule one car occupancy, the compacted dense Mars Cars are still heavy mostly due to the weight of the fuel cells and are not pick it up and carry it away.