Friday, December 13, 2019

Space1 Transhuman for Spaceflight

Points of TransHuman Machine Interfacing are mapped
out on the initially-human body. In the robust Humanoido

experiment at Neural Net, the Big Brain AI artificial
intelligence life form is merging with the human side by using
many connective machine AI interfaces surgically implanted
and meshed inter-connectively to flesh.

The massive project is fully funded by investors and
is in an aggressive private race competition with multi-billion
dollar AI projects funded by Russia, Google Inc., Elon Musk's
Neuralink company, Open AI, and Boston Dynamics. In the
first phase of the Big Brain AI Transhuman project, dozens of
machine interfaces will be installed into human flesh. Phase II
will include hundreds while phase III will embody thousands.
Space1 Trans-Humans Created for Spaceflight
Step by step, SPACE1 is creating advanced  TransHuman Entities for spaceflight.

The goals for TransHuman space flight include the manipulation of size and shape of matter, to shape shift into favorable rocket positioning.

TransHumans have the abilities to process data faster and more efficiently than pure humans, as well as the ability to weigh almost nothing. Such space beings can hibernate on long space journeys with less reliance on oxygen, food, and other humanly requirements. They can log and remember long term flight data during semi sleep, thus monitoring the spacecraft during the longest periods of hibernation for migration to other planets and star systems. Humanoido is the first TransHuman experiment be adapted to a symbiotic coexistence with a machine, in the Big Brain and human cyborg project - a division of Neural Net company, the entire process is more readily explained at the Big Brain blog site at Thus far, the human side of Humanoido has four interfaces that were successfully implanted into the flesh and merged with human biology serving as a co-joined symbiotic entity with the machine, enabling faster thinking, vast memory and processing times, and generally becoming more with the machine.

The Big Brain AI machine connection to a human is the Lab's first experiment in the direction of the Singularity when man becomes one with the machine. This project is fully funded in interfacing increments and is scheduled to continue into 2020 and beyond. If all goes well, Neural Net is scheduled to install one interface per month and increase to two per month. As the human body needs surgery healing time, the two per month may be the fastest rate adopted in 2020. It's possible in the future, as the human becomes more machine and less human, healing will become accelerated exponentially.