Saturday, September 14, 2019

Space1 Rocket Nation Development

Rocket Nation Continued Development
A Free Oceanic Country Devoted to Launching Rockets and Conducting Space Science Exploration

Experimental "SPACE1 Industries Pacific Oceanic Floating Private Independent Megalopolis Space Country" otherwise known as Space or Rocket Nation, is the brainchild invention of rocket scientist and Space1 Owner Humanoido.

"The goal is to develop a new space nation country with habitat cities, creative science & technology, rockets and launch sites for off-world exploration and colonizing space."

 Rocket Space Nation is working towards making humanity a multi-world spacefaring species

Potentials of the developing Space and Rocket Nation

* Floating, towed to new locations in the Pacific Ocean
* Offers Safety Rockets & launch sites for purchase or lease
* Has its own country grid
* Solar, wind, battery and wave power
* Catchment water system
* Unlimited oceanic water
* Filtration system
* Button down storm mode
* Seafood and developing hydroponics
* President & space board
* Space currency
* Shielding of pressure waves
* Protection against rapid unscheduled rocket disassembly