Saturday, September 8, 2018

SPACE1 On the Precipice of The Singularity

It's a roller coaster ride of advancing technology, rapidly streaming towards the precipice of The Singularity. "The technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity) is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization."

In the span of only a few years from 2014 when rocket space industries was founded by Humanoido, to 2018 today, SPACE1 has progressed to rocket machine astronauts, and human astronauts modified for space travel by machine technology. It appears eventually the machine astronaut will merge with the human astronaut modded for space travel and transcend biology. This will enable humans to travel farther in space, for a longer duration, more able to withstand solar and cosmic radiation, extreme temperatures of heat and cold, tremendous G effects of gravitational acceleration, long term time travel, and handle the associated risk. In such advanced future human to machine configurations, it may be possible to survive the rigors of dimensional space travel in quantum components.

SPACE1 Industries has already achieved and is working on many such points - dimensional travel, shrinking body parts, body space hardening, body parts replacement, body enhancing and supplementing, increasing memory and function, survival of tremendous G forces, extending the function of heat and cold, protection against cosmic rays and solar radiation, and the inevitability of the primal safety rocket where man is one with the rocket. Merging the rocket machine with man is a paradigm shift worked on by SPACE1 over a five year period.