Thursday, September 27, 2018

Space1 Basal Essence Distillation

Experiments in human basal distillation
Basal Essence Distillation of the Human Body for Space Travel
The process of Basal Essence Distillation is a method of transforming an existing human body for the rigors of space flight. 

In the recent developed mode, the process is used to shrink a human body to the basics of that functioning required for space travel and to conform to the confines of the particular rocket dimensions.

Essence distillation of shrinking the human body extracts or distills the functions necessary for traveling in space, such as vision, hearing, and the ability to experience rocket vibration, a memory for the entire space flight, total recall of data and experiences, touch and feeling, ability to handle large G forces, and finally to experience weightlessness and a rocket ride without motion sickness. The process subtracts space sickness out of the human body and increases space travel stamina.