About the Earth Motor. Basically a motor can do work by generating displacing mechanical pressure waves. This induces a vibratory nature as well as a sound harmonic compression of first and second "mechanical spectral" levels, regions which can be tuned for destructive or constructive interference of waves thus generating nodal points of power. The nodes can yield places of energy or no energy which then can be utilized in real time or collected, recorded and stored. Therefore the motor is capable of sending out or transmitting work to other points in space, but within the confines of a medium.
Tuning & Calibration
The motor is thus tuned to the pressure, density, and temperature of the medium. This calibration determines the speed of the motor, along with an electronic tuning that adjusts the mechanical frequency of transmitting work. The motor is not electromagnetic in nature, in terms of its transmitted work. However, the motor itself is electronic and driven by CMOS and integrated circuit technology.
Motor Work & Power Equations
The equation for the work done is the energy transferred from one place to another. The amount of work done is the force times the distance. The motor power is a measure of how quickly work is being done. Power is expressed as work done divided by time taken. Motion of the medium can effect work perform by the motor thus increasing or decreasing its mechanistic speed. Viscosity can also be used to provide motor attenuation.
Penetrating Power
Adiabatic Earth Motor AEM generates power waves that can penetrate and travel through all forms of matter, such as a solid, liquid, gas or plasma stream. The energy carried by the motor's oscillating wave converts back and forth between potential energy of the extra compression or lateral displacement stream (with a transverse function) of matter, and the kinetic energy of the displacement velocity of particles of the medium.
Motor Attributes
The motor does work in a vector from 17m to 17mm. The speed and direction will make up a velocity vector while the wave number and direction create a wave vector. The motor is not isothermal but rather adiabatic.
The periodicy of the motor is yet to be measured but will depend on frequency, amplitude, pressure, speed and direction.
If the medium does not have constant physical properties, the motor can be refracted, and either disperse or focus its work. Refraction has potential space-time applications and the ability to splay energy for work to multiple places at the same time from only one AEM motor. Drawing refraction energy does not tax the AEM in any way, therefore maximum draw is allowable from a maximum number of nodals.
The original AEM did not have internal amplification. The new AEM has provisions for amplification to significantly increase power. The horsepower will vary with the size of the AEM packaging and the size of the motor.
Motor Speed Equation
The speed of the motor is defined according to the Newton-Laplacian equation c = square root of K/rho where K = elastic bulk modulus, c = sound velocity, rho = density. Therefore the motor speed is proportional to the square root of the ratio of the bulk modulus of the medium to its density.
Motor or Engine?
The difference between a motor and an engine is that motors run on electricity while engines run on combustion.