Thursday, December 15, 2022

Non-Indigenous Moon Life

The Lunar Life Extraction Mission is designed by Humanoido to collect data on non-indigenous life living on the surface of the Moon. Above is a trial run of the Lunar Processor centered on the retrieval and prospecting of Lunar Life. The derived algorithm handles life form holographic projection in 4D, then represents it in 3D and in conclusion, shows it on the computer's 2D screen. Although purely a data collection mission, it raises the question of communicating with the life form and what language will be needed.

Non-indigenous Moon Life

United Space Technologies has created the Lunar Processor Mission, designed to explore, harvest, and extract non-indigenous life on the Moon. UST's principle space mode, like a starship, is the Electrodynamic Dynamonic Dynatronic EDD vehicular particle dynamic invention.