Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Future Starship Quantum Propulsion

Future Starship Propulsion may use a Quantum Drive

Future Starship Quantum Propulsion
United Space Technologies is working on advanced methods of future starship propulsion. This does not include ion, plasma or nuclear drives at this time. However, the most recent project includes a study of the potential of using a Quantum Drive.

The project examines starship propulsion based on Quantum Entanglement, otherwise known as Einstein's Spooky Action at Distance.


Other methods of future travel may involve sending real time digitizations of the human brain to various outposts in the Solar System.

We have a faster-than-light drive system, which we call quantum drive as opposed to warp drive (the idea being that space, at the deepest level, is quantized, like the energy levels in atoms, and if someday we understand how this works we might be able to manipulate the fabric of space to travel faster than light).

Artwork adapted from Gregory Chryssaphes, Concept Artist, Hard Surface Design, Artstation Alas Quantum Drive