Monday, February 15, 2021

VISA for Offworld Space Travel

Secure your Space VISA for Offworld Travel
Now is the time to start thinking about securing a passport and VISA for travel beyond the Earth as part of the SPACE1 venture travel, tourist, and relocation programs.

Unlike anytime before in the history of space travel, a rich golden opportunity exists for the migration from the Earth to offworld locations.

In 2020, SPACE1 offered the first high technology Electrodynamic rendezvous with the lunar surface and opened up reservations for future high technology trips to Mars. In 2021 plans are being hatched for the first Moon Base to be occupied by tech modified humans. Also available for the first space faring travelers wanting to become a multiplanetary species are the world's first planetoids put in space by SPACE1 - artificially created worlds in space for colonization. SPACE1 is also the developer of Micron worlds with space-time compression, where vast colonies live out evolutionary lives at a very rapid pace. SPACE1 rockets also offer space trips into the varied COSMIC Dimensions.

SPACE1 owns and operates its own Space Nation where space VISAs and Passports are issued for offword travel.

SPACE1 Space Nation & Index

Get Your Visa - Choose Your Pleasure
* Lunar Tour
* Lunar Landing
* Lunar Base Colonization
* Future Trip to Mars
* Planetoid Space Colony Occupation
* Live in the Space Time Compression Micron World
* Tour Cosmic Space Dimension

Live in a new world of space time compression