Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Space1 New Time Compression Venture

Advanced artificial planets are populated along the interior and have a portal entrance/exit.
The principle feature is space time compression so evolution can take place more rapidly for
the planet and its occupants.
Space1 New Space Time Compression Venture
SPACE1 and Humanoido startup a new space time compression venture

You remember how SPACE1 created an artificial planet for colonization and to become a multi planetary species (see the index) and then invented a new form of space time in which the planet and its occupants reside. Now SPACE1 is supporting a full new division that honors space time compression throughout all missions.

The new Time Compression division of SPACE1 will cater to other aspects of space missions, not just space time compression planets. Time compression can apply to space faring species and physical constructions to include planets, species, and evolution. The Super Rocket can eject a planet in Megascopic space and force the planet to evolve with time compression formulae. Space time compression opens up all new doors to space exploration and advanced projects of science and technology. It makes possible immediately becoming a multiplanetary species for example. It makes artificial planets and other celestial objects possible. It can create evolution within the short realm of human lifetimes.