Sunday, October 21, 2018

Space1 Xodus Rocket X

Space1 Xodus Ark Rocket X

Humanoido is pushing a big Rocket X effort with all precious resources including the most valuable - limited time. Rocket X is now Space1's largest, safest, and most powerful "do all" rocket, to replace all other rockets. Rocket X is the Xodus Ark Rocket, designed for the largest mass exodus of all rockets made by Space1 to date.

This is a recyclable rocket with the most returns for the least cost. Every part of this rocket, including the faring, linings, rooms, capsule, fuel tank, recovery chute, picture window, lines, interfacing, aviation electronics, atmospheric fins, Herculean rocket safety engine, main rocket body, etc. is recyclable.

Rocket X also has the fastest turnaround time of any Space1 rocket to date. In the time it takes to refuel and upright the rocket on the launch pad, Rocket X can be ready to relaunch. The cost for the Rocket X program will be justified with minimal new retooling and the construction of compatible technology. Rocket X is being funded in full by Space1 founder Humanoido.