Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Where to Land on the Moon

Where to Land on the Moon - Upcoming Return Mission

Above: Exciting Moon photo by Humanoido shows many possible lunar sites for the next space mission.

SPACE1 has completed a number of lunar cartographic surveys to determine the next Moon site for the newest mission. The far side is rejected due to the requirement of extra satellites in orbit, required for communications. This leaves a variety of selected sites on the visible side for establishing a lunar base, doing exploration of natural lava tubes, caves and tunnels, and conducting science experiments with the implementation of special equipment like a Moon telescope.

Moon Landing Site
Finding one is not as easy as you think

Already to the Moon - South Polar Mission
Humanoido Lands on the Moon
Space1 Private Space Industry

The manned mission to the South Pole of the Moon was an applauded great success on Sunday, March 31st, 2019. The fantastic Moon technical fly-by was achieved by Astronaut Humanoido and the Electrodynamic Safety Rocket with the extremely reliable Electromag drive. Raw data is processed by the SPACE1 Pacific Ocean Space Processing Laboratory and the Center for Spacecraft Data Analysis.

Manned Moon South Polar Mission
Humanoido' Space1 Mission to the Moon