Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Space1 Working with Big Brain Technologies

SPACE1 working with Big Brain Technologies
To move faster with the development of FTL space travel, faster than light speed, Space1 is now working with Big Brain Technologies. Together, along with the knowledge already obtained regarding numerous other dimensions, various projects are being established to ensure space travel to farther distances in space and time.

Image Above: It may take the help of AI artificial intelligence to solve many of these challenges such as travel to distant worlds - overcoming the vast distances of space and time based on the infinitesimally small life spans of humans.

According to Elon Musk (1971-) of Spacex, they are interested in changing from liquid fuel methalox to nuclear power, the latter which burns hotter and can propel a spaceship faster - however this is not appreciably fast - i.e. far from light speed. Some believe, with a lot of new development effort, 1/10th the speed of light could be achieved which means the beginning of time travel as this is Einstein relativistic speed (1879-1955) and the end point of Sir Isaac Newtonian mechanics (1643-1727). However in the race for space, few are willing to try new things and thus it may take some time to develop new systems to take humanity to the edge of the galaxy and beyond. Take for example the Starship by SpaceX. Jeff Bezos (1964-) of Blue Origin is not working on anything new and has already copied the SpaceX rocket and launch system, as have the Chinese and others. A copy of already established technology is not going to generate any things new such as FTL travel.