Sunday, November 14, 2021

Construction Cranes

Active Construction Cranes

Revisiting local construction cranes produced this gallery of photos. At least six cranes are visible, mainly used for construction of skyscrapers and hoisting heavy steel beam sections.

Telescope Imaging of Cranes

Crane Skylights

Constructions Cranes at the Launch Site

Compare these cranes to the spacex versions used for sharship construction over at Boca Chica Texas at Elon Musk's starport.

Above: red crane at the skyscraper top floor during construction.

Left: This large yellow crane is situated at the top of skyscraper floor 23 with all new construction. Blue safety netting is in place. When the skyscraper has completed its job, the crane is literally dismantled, piece by piece. This happens several ways, depending on the type of crane, but most cranes are made to be easily taken apart. This allows workers to detach pieces of the primary crane and slowly lower them back down to the ground.

A crane boom is a long fixed or hydraulic arm that is used to move large objects in construction. It bears most of the weight when positioning a load, and its length determines a crane's maximum reach. Crane booms take on a variety of roles and appearances depending on the type of crane.

Cranes are owned or rented. In general, small mobile cranes cost around $200 per day to rent and large operated cranes cost closer to $1,000 per day. Large tower cranes can cost around $15,000 to rent for a month.

Two cranes are visible at the top of this skyscraper. The cranes are weighted down and anchored to the skyscraper floor. When a floor is complete, the crane is dismantled and raised to the next higher floor. Skyscraper construction uses heavy steel beams,  hoisted by the cranes.

This is the rare Asian white elephant crane. It's not very often when one sees a crane painted white, including a white main tip head and a white hook block. At left, a second smaller crane is visible.