Monday, May 31, 2021

Changing the Phase of Space

Changing the Phase of Space Technology & Space Stations
SPACE1 Industries officially entered the private industry race to space during its founding on January 2014 when it began launching larger and larger rockets and inventing new aerospace systems. Over six years, evolution has taken place using extreme technology that has changed the face of space travel and exploration. At this time, Humanoido at SPACE1 Industries has introduced a new way to travel into near and far reaches of space and time.

The phase of SPACE1 has changed and evolved considerably over the time span of the founding on January 2016  to the present day. The first space station had a physical presence launched into station keeping of modified space-time using high technology and a recycled rocket body. Today, the entire space program has evolved to the concept of the Dyno, an Electro Mag system that challenges travel through fractured light speed. The phase of the entire space program has changed based on these extreme technology pockets of SPACE1 Industries evolution. The space station is transformed into revolutionary constructs using Dynamonic systems.

The new space station is in itself a singularity from which all space and time data is focused. A human can live inside this space station singularity bubble and process the space data. The singularity is passed through the Dynamonic system. An individual space traveler can live in this singularity from a perspective of derived space-time. The singularity can be juxtaposed in position and extreme technology allows recording and record-keeping of the event horizon.

This singularity has time event passage context inside a time bubble formed by the Dyno and Dynamonic Space, where time is dependent and directly proportional to the distance of the spatial environment. This process will jump start time to a new era in the forward time flow direction (forward time). Traveling Dynonauts will experience this new time relative to the spatial environment.

New Relative Technical Vocabulary
Dynamonic Craft
Dynamonic Space
Dynamonic Dimension
Dynamonic Travel
Fractured Light Speed
Proportional Light Speed
FTL Relativity
Singularity Bubble
Event Horizon
Spatial Environment
Extreme Technology
Spatial Data
Station Keeping
Modified Space-Time
Forward Time