Saturday, June 22, 2019

Space1 Autonomy Missions

Bare Bones Autonomy Missions are Totally Effective
At SPACE1, the bare bones approach to missions, space flights, and Mission Control is somewhat spartan compared to the trillions and billions of dollars lavishly invested by NASA and SpaceX.

This is in part due to the nature of the way SPACE1 travel unfolds in space & time, and the autonomy and scaling of advanced systems deployed. For example, one Space Augment can perhaps do the job of 50 astronauts and systems. Autonomy includes Mission Control, Rocket X and EM flight dynamics, and multitasking performed by Augments.

In the pursuit of overall effective technology, the sum effect is less man hours per mission, less investment in routine and mundane equipment, resulting in a much lower net operating cost. This brings down the cost per space mission and allows an increase in the number of missions and makes space tourism and space exploration more affordable and ultimately safe. SPACE1 is planning, as a next step, to open up the door to routine missions to the Moon and Moon landings.