Friday, December 29, 2017

Space1 2018 Rocket Compatibility

In the 1950s and 60s, studies ensued for the feasibility of a rocket orbiting laboratory or small single unit space station. This included the Manned Orbiting Laboratory by the Air Force and the Corvair project as seen in the Hawk model illustration. 

The new Space1 2018 rocket has many designs of compatibility with the previous rocket fleet. One important area is the space station, i.e. a small hotel in space.

— The pipe dream of a motel in space has existed for many decades —

In February of 2017, Space1 outlined details of a rocket space station making rooms inside the rocket and rocket nose.

The 2018 design has recovery gear under the nose with the space station function shifted farther back. A second story to the rocket adds more room. Functions include areas for living, dining and exercise. It also includes astrometrics/navigation, space sanitation, hydroponics bay for growing food, control center (piloting, docking, communications), and sleeping quarters. Additional areas are for payload, storage and a safe haven shelter in a cosmic radiation event. Some areas are multi-functional for space conservation.