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Humanoids are machines communicating with machines |
There is nothing wrong with your computer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand ideas and inventions or expand on one to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive. For these minutes we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the deepest inner mind to the outer limits." Adapted from the new Outer Limits theme
Out there in space, the earthen rules can change. Space1 employs humanoid life forms. They think, perform tasks, and objectively help our rocket flights into the great void. Up to now, humanoids have arms, hand and fingers to move switches, push buttons and handle control panels. However, when employing humanoid robots, we can invent, create, mold and change and control the actions and results. With space humanoids, we must break the surly bonds that restrict our thinking and imagination to better humanity and our future.
— can humanoids have mind over matter? —
What if humanoids could do a lot more? What if we could give the humanoid bold new powers and abilities? We find this is not a far fetched idea. We can grasp mind over matter as the humanoid mind, brain, has broken the bonds of its physicality. With Beaming, we can lift the humanoid's mind to the rocket over great distances, to perhaps Mars and the Moon. We can mold and extend a humanoid's mind into space but what other applications can serve and improve our Space1 rocket tourism?
— do humanoids now have ESP? —
Humanoido often says "one invention leads to another and the answering of one question leads to more." The invention of the Humanoid Transporter, Bod Beaming, Out of Body, Brain in a Brain, Thought Processor, and the Phantom Entity are Humanoido inventions that have raised the bar in the ways we can now control the humanoid and give it new powers. One such power is mind over matter, the way some claim to move solid physical objects with just their mind. Can humanoids do this? Humanoido at Space1 has found a creative way to accomplish it.
The idea, in a space rocket is to replace switch control panels with mind over matter telekenisis telepathy mind interfaces. Humanoid robots are similar to humans in basic shape and form and some peripheral function but beyond that, humanoids must go beyond the mold of humanity. Humanoido at space1 has invented the telepathy mind interface for control of instrumentation without knobs or buttons or switches.
Humanoids can control a panel that has no switches or knobs or shown instrumentation. The humanoid mind is adjusted to communicate with a space control panel by short range brain to control panel wireless interface. This saves rocket weight by removing knobs, switches, dials, displays and other communications panel units. A lighter weight rocket can lower the cost of rocket space tourism.
In the first prototype, the humanoid brain locks on to a steady data stream sent out by the control panel node and reads the stream. The panel can serve all the functions of a hard wired interface control panel with physical switches and controls. The humanoid brain can examine the data and make a decision, then transmit the choice for what was previously knobs, switches, sliders, push buttons, and other controls.
The humanoid memorizes the telepathy control panel operation system and silently voices the codes as required, in replace the previous physically of such control panel systems. Such new interfaces could line the rocket walls or embed into other parts of the rocket.
New Humanoid Terms
Humanoid Telepathy
Humanoid Telekenisis
Mind over Matter
Out of Body
Mind Extension
Mind Interface
Mind Teleportation
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