Sunday, November 27, 2016

Space1 Dead Humanoid - Long Space Journey

This humanoid had the equivalent of a heart attack and died.
Humanoido's TH1 Humanoid has a battery heart
A serious matter for long space journeys is keeping space humanoids alive. The critical heart to keeping humanoids functional is the battery power which must not fail. Failure in humanoids in the early years of 2000 usually had no fail safe, the same status as a human with a single heart and no backup. Humans are susceptible to heart attack and humanoids are very similar.

Enter the year 2016. Space1 has worked out the problem of humanoid death. When the heart is at a low condition, the entire memory and condition stats are saved. Upon battery recharge, the humanoid is rebooted to its pre-death state. In some experiments, a humanoid is given a super capacitor as a backup for temporary function and to buy time for the memory and stats archiving.

Space1 has invented the super space humanoid, designed to go into a time travel rocket which is referential time modified to the operating limits of the humanoid, using the RTM Referential Time Machine. Another direction under study is a humanoid that maintains itself for long space flight duration.

Space1 already has invented the Little Space Humanoid LSH for space flights of short tourist missions. The LSH has a lithium ion battery designed to last the duration of rocket travel. After the mission, the battery is recharged. Rebooting the LSH recycles the tiny computer and its programming.

Little Space Humanoid

Humanoid Has Heart Attack (Life & Death)

Toddling Robots

Humanoid Telescope Repair in Space 

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