Friday, November 11, 2016

Space1 Timeline

This page is a time line to record the entire history of Space1 and its major developments. It will be refined and updated as time permits. Under construction...

Space1 is a private space-faring enterprise and international business to bring safe space tourism to the world. Developing the Safety Rocket, Space1 is working towards ensuring that all people, irregardless of their age, gender, social status, physical condition, location, health, culture, religion, education or training, may have the opportunity to experience space tourism.

January 2014
SpaceOne Company founded by Humanoido
Tiny Space Station Introduced
Tiny Space Shuttle Introduced

March 2014
First Space1 web index created
First Aerospace Observatory concept
First International Space Lab opens in Taiwan
First SpaceOne! Magazine published
Time Travel invented
Time Dilation Invented
Striated Rocket Casing Invented
First Intl Rocket developed
Zeus rocket introduced
Argus rocket developed
Intl Enterprise rocket developed
Merged the first 10 companies
Developed 5 new rockets
Space robotics division introduced

April 2014
Time travel machine invented
Referential Time Travel Invented
The first time travel config released
Heavy lift launch vehicle rocket completed
World's 1st Safety Rocket Invented
SpaceOne Elects President

May 2014
Lightest rocket invented for 24 astronauts

June 2014
Space1 Magazine Issue #2 released
14 rockets developed
1st Momentum rocket invented
Space Station under construction
Rocket Science Team in 3 countries
Big Brain Evolves into Space

July 2014
Space1 Magazine Issue 2 released
Micro Spacecraft  developed

September 2014
New Rocket Laboratory & Space Operations Center opens
Space1 Magazine Issue 3 released
Space Machine invented
KOSMOS invented
Space1 Presidential Meeting

October 2014
Komputer invented for the Safety Rocket

December 2014
Lab is moved
Humanoido Lab Links page developed
Multi-D Invention for Space1
Multi-D Imaging & Testing Lab established
Space1 Rocketeer Personnel positions updated
President Meeting in Seoul South Korea

Year 2014 Summary
The list is truncated due to excessive content. It gives a general idea of numerous things that happened at Space1 during the first year 2014. 
Established the first rocket lab in Taiwan
Established international operations in Taiwan, USA, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore
Established the second rocket lab in Taiwan
Established a space aeronautical lab in Taiwan
Established a staff of 5
Established functions of President, Founder, CEO, Rocket Scientist, Aeronautical Engineer, American SpacePort Director, Investor, Chief Korean Scientist, Korean Conceptual Design Director, Wisdom Lab Chief of Operations, Taiwan Master of R&D, Taiwan Master SpacePort Engineer
Established a Telemetry Division
Established the Avionics Division
Established a rocket computer lab 1
Established a rocket computer lab 2
Established a Cybernetics Lab
Established a Wisdom Lab in South Korea
Established a book of guidelines and operations
Established methods and results of slower velocities
Established an Electronics Lab
Established 2D to 3D Era
Established Space1 Era 
Founded a spaceport in Taiwan
Founded a spaceport in the USA
Founded SpaceOnr
Business Mergers
Merged 14 space companies with Space1 for instant resources
Invented the world's first safety rocket
Invented wrap around instrumentation
Invented the NC Rocket Launcher
Invented Rocket fin arrangement guide
Invented the Referential Time Machine RTM
Invented The Space Machine
Invented the Komputer
Invented KOSMOS software
Invented the Atomic G-Force Absorber
Invented the Multi-D 
Designed Space1 Magazine
Began designing a rocket plane
Designed Self supporting split fin
Designed Launch Towers
Designed and completed 15 rockets
Launch site determination study
Rocket size study
Outpost in space study
Space Station Study
Recovery methods study
A study of slow rocket advantages
Opening the doors to the future study
Rocket launch vs Spaceport size study
Rocket nose cone drag study
Completed the power study of rocketry
Completed the comprehensive robotics study
Lower altitude study
Referential Time Travel study
Longer flight study
A study of station fuel
A study to keep space and earth environmentally green
A study of rocket flight time
A study of rocket weight
A study of rocket size
A study of fins to reduce weather cocking
A study of swept back fins
A study of the lucky 7 tube fin results
A study of rocket flight computers
A study of fins vs rocket stability
A Study of Rocket weight vs motor size
Studied and Defined Motions of a rocket
Completed the prime rocket motor study
A study of Centering Rings
A study of Objects Existing in or Traveling Through the Troposphere
Study of robotics in rocketry
A study of Tube Fin SIMs
A study of Removable Fin Assembly Sleeve

Developed temp space
Developed temp space ownership
Developed a rocket interface
Developed space real estate plots
Developed sensor systems 
Developed a disposable rocket shell casing
Developed the space black box 
Developed spacecraft booms for imaging
Developed safe space
Developed the weightlessness extension method
Developed extending rocket flight duration on short term missions
Developed Anti-break Fin Design
Developed the Massive Space Time Arc
Developed rocket constructing techniques
Developed the rocket rangefinder
Developed two Two-Engine Space Places
Developed two Four-Engine Nano Space Places  
Developed one Four-Engine Mid-Size Space Place
Developed one Six-Engine Large Space Place
Recorded the story of Space1
Developed the inflatables concept 
Developed methods of space tourism
Developed the Intl Enterprise Rocket
Developed the DIA Rocket
Developed the Zeus Rocket
Developed the Argus Rocket
Developed the Zeus-Argus Rocket
Developed the M1 Heavy Lift Rocket
Developed the M1 Hybrid Rocket
Developed the M2 Rocket
Developed the B1 First Generation Rocket
Developed the B1 Blaster 2nd Generation Rocket
Developed the B1 Master Blaster MB 3rd Generation Rocket
Developed the Singularity 1 Rocket
Developed the Singularity 2 Rocket
Developed the Singularity 3 Rocket
Developed the Milestone Rocket 
Developed the Aerospace Station
Developed flight operations and flying patterns
Developed the first FPV system
Developed long range tracking
Developed a tracking station
Worked on the small rocket stabilizing system
Developed Search and Find
Developed the Grappler Mission
Developed the Aerospace Rocket Sub
Developed Sub Sats
Began developing space planes
Developed greater mass lifting
Developed the curtain in flight drift
Developed reusable methods
Developed a steerable parachute
Developed the space glider
Developed alternative rocket lift vehicle
Developed the satellite rocket
Developed the no thrust ring for rocket motors
Developed rocket windows
Development of flight package
Development of the rocket flight computer
Developed rocket altitude measuring from a photo
Developed PET fins
Developed Tube fins
Developed concepts in lower altitude 
Developed Space rocket lists
Developed Rocketeer Science Notepad
Developed methods to increase rocket strength
Developed a Passive Vortex Chamber Rocket Design
Developed a system of Perk Ideas
Developed a system to Lower cost of programs and materials 

Created interior space rocket designs
Created conceptual drop satellites
Created the space arc
Created a founding company overview PDF
Created a rocket design program
Created Space1 email
Created Space1 logo
Created Space1 blogs
Created high technology space flight
Created a vision for the future of Space1
Created Rocket tips 
Created Parachute calculations 
Created Space1 Odyssey Adventure Program

Worked to prevent recovery drifT
Worked on suborbital space stations
Worked on the ground pilot

Acquired a rocket lab inventory
Obtained rocket casings and rocket parts
Purchased CAD design programs

Held meetings in Seoul, Hong Kong, Taipei, New York

Materials Testing
Initiated and completed many rocket tests  
Published a year's worth of Space1 Magazine issues
Completed Lab bulletins
Completed a Newsletter
Generated evolutionary letters
Created the company Charter
Created Space1 Manual
Completed SpaceOne Issue One
Completed Space1 Issue Two
Completed Space1 Issue 3

Developed a list of Objects Existing in or Traveling Through the Troposphere
List of rocket motors
List of thrust versus motor
List of rocket motor performance curves  

Initiated the High Rise Skyscraper Mission
Deep into Tropospheric Space Mission
Selected prime rocket motors for rocket flights

Small 2014 Summary
Development of test rockets
Founding of international space ports
New web site is established
Invention of the Safety Rocket
Space1 Magazine is born
Invention of Space Humanoids
First life form worker on Board of Directors
Development of space humanoids
Machine Intelligence Transformers
Machine Intelligence Suspended Animation
Development of 15 rockets in the fleet
Invention of Ejectables
Development of a rocket space plane
Development of a satellite
Development of a space station
Development of a spacecraft
Development of a starship
Development of the space suite
14 companies merger
Rocket tests

January 2015
Space1 Web Content Categorical Links established In January 2015
Space1 Singapore Spaceport Established
Space1 South Korea Rocket SpacePort Established
Space1 Rocket No Fire Mastic Invented
Configurable Mobile Space Place SP invented
Atomic G-Force Absorber Invented
Assurance Safety Rocket invented
Space1 Milestone Safety Rocket invented
Rocket Shuttle designed & developed
Test Spacecraft developed
Space Pace SP flying electric engine platforms invented
Establishing growing country expansion
Space1 Definition & Space Tourism defined
About Space1 from the Founder
Space1 space port established in Singapore
SpaceOne Space1 Name Change
Space1 expands additional space ports in Singapore
Space1 First Year of Operations summary
Space1 Holds Tele Summit Meeting
American Space Workshop Conducted
Space1 2015 Talks held
More rocket and aerospace schooling introduced 
Conducted Extensive research in rocketry 
Improved Space1 Altimeters 
Established Dual deployment Engine design research
conducted Parts cost analysis 
The most powerful engines determination 
Established a division to add new spaceports 
Completed rocket global analysis  
Introduced a schedule of business meetings 
Setup a division of international travel
 Established and defined new missions in space 
Developed methods for ground safety 
Developmentd the Electric Rocket 
Established engine production methodology 
Invented Fireproofing 
Developed Safety code 
Developed a business synopsis 
Space launches Analysis 
Calculated thrust ratios and parameters 
Reviewed rocket simulation programs 
Developed additional space tourism plans 
Designed a new 2015 logo 
Plan established for historical preservation for first space tourists 
Developed a list of Space1 tourism advantages 
Completed a space rocket size analysis 
Rocket weight analysis 
Assembly analysis 
Initiated rocket & systems tests 
Developed rocket space electronics in the Electronics Lab 
Developed 2015's ASR Assurance Safety Rocket 
Firewall analysis and design 
Established rocket visuals 
Designed a new rocket with size change 
Space capsule design & development 
Payload capacity analysis 
Work on couplers 
Developmented the Space1 Rocket Observatory 
Telescope Rocket Observatory research 
Completed OBS design 
Developed land area 
Safety Protocol Review 
Safety Research Program established 
Implemented addtl. safety 
Added new staff
Milestone Safety Rocket invented & developed
Additional post logs linked
Atomic G-Force Absorber invented
Space1 Issue 3 magazine published
Spaced1 Moved to a new location
Atmospheric study of heavy air
Business expanded in Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, USA
Travel meeting division established
New email established
SpaceOne Space1 Name Change
Space1 Logo Collection designed
Rocket Space Fire Debate - Focus on Greece
Space1 Era established
International News Division created
Increases in the Rocket & Space Parts Center
Expansion of Technological Research & Development Center
Temp Observatory Creation
Master Temp Lab Creation
14 LOGOs added to Logo Collection

February 2015
Space1 E-Book Published
Alien Egg Matter Discovery
Rocket Propulsion Diversified
Living Rocket Invention
Model Space Program established
Parts Division established for model space program
Presidential France & Italy Spaceport discussions
Engineering Alternate Space
One Year Anniversary Commemorative Coin constructed
Space1 Intelligent Space Lifeforms invented
Spaceports expanded

March 2015
Space1 Hong Kong Spaceport founded

April 2015
Space1 Tourism Connected to Black Hole Eggs Postulation

May 2015
Giant Technology Move to USA
Power telescopes completed
Completed Extreme Machines Book
Plans made to launch the worlds first space tourist inside the safety rocket
Machine experimenting, testing, deployment
Time Machine expanded developments

July 2015
New USA Space1 Rocket Lab founded
Space1 Rocket Iron Man invented
Ejectables Fly Like Iron Man invention
Space1 Iron Man Rocket invented
Fantastic Rocket Technology invented & developed
Rocket Safety Motors established
Space1 Booster Rocket Introduced
Space XRocket Xmotor invented
Space1 Rocket Program secrecy increased
Space Booster Rocket & Glider invented
Space1 Ticket Into Space offering
Space1 USA Reboot Initiated
Space1 Massive Rocket Engine Developed

August 2015
Space1 Rocket Space Tourism Update
Grand site survey
Ejectables Phase II development
Parts research for weather station
Robotics lab inventory stocking
Rocket lab expansion
Electronics lab parts order development
Advanced aeronautical lab being developed
Grand science building concept developed
Tool shop developed
More weather and humidity studies
USA Space Facilities ground breaking celebration
USA Space Facilities developed
USA space rocket transport truck aquisition
Site trees cleared
Multiple scheduled site surveys of the remote space port for launching rockets
Astro Ejectables concept additional development
Cost of Rocket Space Tourism analysis
Space1 Transformer Rocket invented
New Rocket Lab Designed
5 rockets & 15 motors developed
Established rocket observatory location
Completed multiple rocket observatory designs
Rocket lab equipped
Robotics lab inventory increased
Large parts order for electronics lab
Science building renovation begins
Advanced aeronautical lab under construction
Tool shop expansion
Security program established
Security measures installed
Establish new designs for property security fencing
Gun shield bunkers designed
Launch weather study

November 2015
Created Space1 Index by Date
Invented TransHuman Injection
Space1 Future Phase Defined- Landing on the Moon & Beyond
Secret Rocket Space Hanger Constructed
Space1 Policy and Govt Rulings
Space1 Moon Lunar Travel Maps
Space1 History of Lunar Mapping - Keep it Secret o...
Space1 Rocket Alternatives of Going Into Space
Space1 Shirt created
Space1 Quantum Lab founded
Shanghai expansion planned
Commute to China planned
Larger space planned for vertical science
16 power telescopes in space completed
More launches and space evo planned
Modified Hadron Collider Invention
Space1 Space Suit Invention
Space1 Temperature Winter Climate Rocket Launch study
Space1 Enterprise Minimalist Approach established
Space1 Basis Robotics System invented

December 2015
Welcome to Space1
Space1 Web Presence
Space1 Index
Space1 Free Space Flight
Space1 Profile
Space1 Rocket Radiation Protection
Space1 New Worlds Pluto and Charon
Space1 Safety Rocket Made in USA
Space1 Rocket Tourism Experiences
Rocket Vision invented
Space1 Rocket Payloads
Space1 Humanoids In Space
Space1 Spacesuit invention
Space1 Sequential Rocket Flight

January 2016
Space1 Time
Space1 Space Romance
Space1 Nano Supercomputer
Space1 Invention Space paper
Space1 Q&A Space Paper SP
Space1 Space Weather Station
Space1 DARA Korean Wisdom Lab Scientist
Space1 Rocket Size
Space1 Rocket Ground Station Invented
Space1 Rocket Tracking Invention
Space1 Listening to Rockets
Space1 Letters from the Founder
Space1 Secret Rocket Space Plane
Space1 Touring Time invention
Space1 Touring Clouds through the Troposphere
Space1 Touring Time refined
Space1 Secret Rocket Space Plane constructed
Space1 Programming Rockets techniques

February 2016
Space1 Powerful Rocket Test
Space1 Radio Rocket Sky Broadcast

March 2016
Space1 Rocket Ground Base
Space1 Rocket Micro Base Station Cat's Pajamas
Space1 March Update
Space1 Massive Drone

April 2016
Space1 Smallest Rocket CAM in the World
Space1 Relocation
Space1 Autonomous Space Center
Space1 Spring Update
Space1 Alien Presence

May 2016
Space1 Penguin Robot Brains
Space1 Tiny Space Shuttle
Space1 Technology Star Ship Effect

June 2016
July 2016
international work
space hangar
property development
construction of amenities
international travel passport
tools acquisition
construction of a new small transport vehicle
development of the Corporate Office
New computer system
New Backup
New wireless color printer peripheral
security cameras
internet 24/7
monitoring from any location in the world.
Autonomous robot with machine intelligence
Equipping the rooms
Hangar rebuilt and reinforced for weather and high wind
space property was maintained
service housing was upgraded
Equipment was added to the maintenance division

August 2016
Space1 Portable Space Hangar PSH
Space1 Rocket Launch Update 2016

September 2016
Space1 Quad Power Rocket
Space1 Transmutational Rocket Lab
Space1 June & July
Space1 Rockets & Space Program

October 2016
Space1 Founder Letter November 1st 2016
Space1 Minuscule Rocket MR
Space1 Tandem Rocket Controller
Space1 Rocket Guidance System Classification
Space1 Big Brain Elected Member
Space1 Staff Changes
Space1 Space Union
Space1 What happened in June & July 2016?
Space1 Union Expansion

November 2016
Space1 Mystery of the Gold Rocket
Space1 Rocket Transformer
Space1 Machine Intelligence
Space1 Machine Intelligence Expansion
Space1 Meeting November 13
Space1 Space Life
Space1 Timeline

Space1 Index
Big Brain Site
Big Brain Timeline