Friday, January 8, 2016

Space1 Space Weather Station

LEFT: A deadly space storm of protons and radiation particles slammed into SOHO's LASCO C3 imager within 15 minutes of a flare on May 17, 2012. 

SPACE1 has its own local Earth weather station to study and examine the Earth's atmospheric conditions, changing weather patterns and parameters for rocket launch and astronomy. But is this enough for space tourism?

Now SPACE1 has created a Space Weather Station, and added the Space Weather division - joining forces with the astronomical observatory laboratory, which monitors space weather for space travel.

Space weather includes the rain of particles from space and the Sun. This may include flares, supernova, solar wind, cosmic rays, heavy neutrons, protons, xrays, gamma ray bursts, and other harmful particles. These harmful particles may effect space walks, ejectables, electronics, processors, sensitive equipment, nano devices, and craft such as drop satellites and other devices. Predicting space weather is an important part of space tourism.

Space1 Index