Thursday, February 28, 2019

Space1 Grand Opening Launch Facilities

Grand Opening
New Launch Facilities

SPACE1 is celebrating the grand opening of its new private space launch facilities, designed to launch EM spacecraft on a schedule of rapid turnaround. All good standing members of SPACE1 with high level pass security clearance are welcome to attend. SPACE1 is also extending a special invite to attend the next EM manned space launch on Thursday, February 21st, 2019. Depending on attendance, one lucky person may be chosen to participate in the Mission.

As hinted before, the location is one of isolation at the deep Asiatic Pacific Ocean on grand rising unidentified volcanic island spires of great and beautiful breathtaking magnificence.

Out to Launch
The new location has already become the site for numerous space tests and recently has hosted two manned spacecraft launches. Thus far, the site is primarily conducting manned EM missions and prepping the spacecraft for space tourism.

Privacy & Security
The hired Space Securities Division is adamant on guarding the facilities even the location is one of maintained privacy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Space1 Fabric Duranium Heat Shield

Fabric Duranium Invented
Fabric Duranium (FabDur), the best invention for a heat shield has now passed all tests successfully and is being used for space flights. Invented by Humanoido, a Chemist and Materials Physicist, the SPACE1 fabric can withstand intense radiation and heat, and is impervious to the elements while on the launch pad. FabDur is a low cost, light weight, easy to install, heat shield that can replace other reentry heat shields. SPACE1 does not use any complex or costly systems such as heat tiles or otherwise.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Space1 2019 & 2020 the Years for Space Flight

2019 and 2020 are Spectacular Years for Space Missions by SPACE1
After six intensive non-stop years of hard relentless work, SPACE1 has finally achieved human regular space flight missions using two spectacular spacecraft known as the Safety Rocket (Rocket X) and Safety EM Machine.

Space missions and launches are under way, as SPACE1 is now capable of multiple day and night launches, more frequent than any other private industry space program. Historically speaking, from the founding of SPACE1 in 2014, Humanoido has set all SPACE1 records of astronaut flight in these two space vehicles. He cites, "We are now at the precipice of safely and routinely launching private denizens into space for tourism for the first time. Ongoing flights are now routine, and security regarding reporting of launches may be reduced. This is a crux in history never before achieved by any space company on the world front."

Monday, February 25, 2019

Space1 Hop Skip Space Launch

Launch into Space! Hop Skip Flight
Tuesday, February 19, 2019, was mission control day for the Master EM launch into space. With ideal weather conditions on the tip of the ending Monsoon period, upon prepping, the countdown began and the craft rocketed towards its first skip hop at the wildly fast fury speed of an electromagnetic bullet, a fantastic and exciting mission towards space beyond the direction of multiple high rising mountain spires that beaconed towards a new place in space and time never before visited by an EM machine.

Data was rich but brief during the first mission, as the machine was in light weight mode, stripped of all its telemetry, GPS, and other navigational gear. It safely transported the first space EM machine occupant - Humanoido, a 24+ documented flights certified astronaut who was positioned fixated on the window portal into space as dazzling views blazingly flew past the view port in a kind of enhanced accelerated speed time. The EM craft immediately broke through haze and mist in a matter of nano seconds during the upward tropospheric thrust of the vehicle which travelled faster than a speeding bullet.

Inside, Humanoido was completely protected by the space craft's safety design, a follow up of technology from the Safety Rocket. Humanoido used no space suit, space helmet, or other amenities. Providing a shirt sleeve environment, this craft is radiation hardened, protecting astronauts from radiation, who receive less rads than the amount taken on by an international airline passenger during a single average flight. The launch took place when no birds were present in the vicinity and air was calm. Manual navigation was by a single reference star.

The EM successfully returned to the point of launch without grazing any earthly impediments (birds, rocks, volcanoes, cinder blocks, mountains, jungle trees, ocean waves). The free-flight skill of the piloting astronaut is important as this test is not an automated flight. Dealing with the navigational three dimension vector of EM high flight, humanoido swung the eager craft around after the launch, darting in and out of the wispy realms of sun-split clouds, piloting a flight that blasted deeper and deeper into the high untrespassed sanctity of space.

It was a short successful flight with amazing qualities. The abundance of memorized data and piloting skills collected will improve future hop skip flights until the EM missions begin towards Earth Moon missions with deep Lunar Orbital Insertion LOI and Solar System Planetary and Moon Missions. This mission had no recording camera imagery that can be released and fell under a top classified rating. This first early prototype EM is a machine classified safety space transport, a spacecraft with intellectual property protected by the Space Securities Commando Division, and is a technology generation beyond the Safety Rocket and two generations beyond the conventional rocket.

For more information, apply directly to the Space Securities Division, Commando Unit, c/o SPACE1, Corporate Office, attn. Director.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Space1 Rocket Snail for Space Travel

Analyzing a Snail for Space Travel
A snail brain has four hemispheres composed from Cerebral Ganglia. Studies show the brain is more simple compared to reptiles, mammals and birds, however it's capable of associative learning with roughly 20,000 neurons (compared to humans with 100 billion).

The snail has a nervous system with feelings and can see, sense vibrations, touch, eat, excrete, taste, smell, breathe, love, move, and has skin, mucous, muscle, eyes, kidney, lungs, mouth, teeth, foot, stomach, anus, heart, brain, memory, both a penis and a vagina, and generates saliva, has sweat pores, and touches things with two feelers. It carries its home as a hard light weight shell on its back and retreats into it at the sign of danger. It has no ears or conventional hearing like a human but is sensitive to sound waves picked up as vibrations.

It's agreed that a snail could be a passenger on a rocket trip into space, considering it could withstand the rigors of space travel and have its own environment, however communicating with it in English would be extremely challenging. The snail is a very different life form when compared to humans. Its brain does not have a speech center and it does not form sounds from its mouth as we know it. With comparative thinking, limited associative memory, words are not formed as we know it, but rather some basic and primitive actions are taken in terms of motion and movement.

Snails will respond to danger, food/taste, and sex. Some elements of training can be induced through their reactions and memory. They have schedules of day activity and periods of sleep. Their motions are very deliberate and slow within their own referential time frame. Developing a snail language and translating it to English is an unknown being studied at this time.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Space1 We are Space1


SPACE1 is like an incredible mission from the future. We do things in the here and now with technology that others think can only happen in the distant future. Our inventions, mixing many fields of science, are ultimately fantastic and give surprising results. You don't need to understand how it works, just understand the effects. The effect is changing all humanity and how we think about the future.

Located within the ultimate privacy of deep Asiatic Pacific Ocean on grand rising volcanic island spires of great and beautiful breathtaking magnificence, SPACE1 and the associated enterprise technologies empire is the brainchild of founder, inventor and explorer Humanoido. In the year that Albert Einstein moved to the cloud, Humanoido drafted ramping plans for a science & technology company, completed a telescope observatory, Lunar Lab, and invented his first talking humanoid in a small laboratory which led to an exciting escalating ladder of science, invention, and technology.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Space1 Aquatics Space Program Update

Cultured by Humanoido for the Aquatic Space Program, Fish Tank 2 contains Dwarf Puffers
Aquatics Space Program Update
Space1 has expanded the Aquatics Space Program to three tanks with five species being studied for potential space flight. This includes Dwarf Puffer fish, Chinese Algae Eater, Fancy Veil Tailed Guppies, and two varieties of snails. In particular, Orange Ramshorn will continue and other varieties will be discontinued.

As of February 18th, the snails have at least six clutches of eggs with an average of twelve per clutch. If all baby snails hatch and survive, a total of 72 will result. One clutch of twelve has already hatched. The orange Ramshorn snails appear ideal for space travel, are hardy, the fastest moving of all the snail varieties studied, and are not picky about food or environment.

A study is initiated regarding how to create an invention to communicate with snails during space travel. The Fish Talk invention is species dependent, working with optoelectronics and a built-in Fish to English translator, and will not work with snails. A new method and invention is being considered for snails.

Four species of plants are doing exceptionally well in all three tanks and have expanded to three additional containers. These are great oxygenator varieties and absorb co2 from the fish and snails. They are also good food for the snails, Chinese Algae Eater, and create habitats of privacy for the aquatics.

Adult populations are highly selective for space travel potentials, and with qualifications for the Astronaut Training Program, with ten candidate fish and five candidate snails.

Food includes Blood Worms, large and small shrimp, and apple. Two Guppy females are pregnant with an estimated 12 to 25 potential babies to each mother. If caught in time after birth, the yield could be up to 50 prized cultured fancy King Cobra Veil Tail Guppies. The yellow black spotted variety is highly rare and Humanoido repeatedly scoured prized aquatic stores to find this baseline treasure. This variety of species is currently being cultured into new strains.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Space1 What is Space1?

What is Space1 - a Thing, Place, or Great Scientific Experiment?
Space1 Industries is a bold new space tourism venture, taking you into space in a new and revolutionary way - akin to dreams and aspirations of science fiction, made into reality. Space1 has futuristic technology and the world's first Safety Rocket to protect tourists on journeys toward new worlds! Space1 is taking generations of space travelers skyward towards the stars in our lifetime.

Background  Located within the ultimate privacy of deep Asiatic Pacific Ocean on grand rising volcanic island spires of great and beautiful breathtaking magnificence, SPACE1 and the associated enterprise technologies empire is the brainchild of founder, inventor and explorer Humanoido. In the year that Albert Einstein moved to the cloud, Humanoido drafted ramping plans for a science & technology company, completed a telescope observatory, Lunar Lab, and invented his first talking humanoid in a small laboratory which led to an exciting escalating ladder of science, invention, and technology.

Purpose  a tourism space company with the worlds first safety rocket, the progenitor and manufacturer of new innovative, exploratory, pioneering and futuristic space technology.

Overview  Space1 Industries is an advanced private industry aeronautics and space tourism venture with the world's first and only Safety Rocket designed to keep space tourists 100% safe. SPACE1 designs, manufactures and launches the world's most advanced safety rocket. Space1, internationally based worldwide, is the progenitor and manufacturer of new innovative, exploratory, pioneering and futuristic space technology. SPACE1 Industries manufactures safety rockets, space technology and devices for space travel and space exploration. In 2019, SPACE1 Industries invented the Elevation EM Machine to explore dimensional space - no rocket needed - to achieve orbit and conduct space missions. A new Rocket X space fleet was designed and created and new space dimensions were opened up for space travel. Missions continue as new life forms are pruned and genetically cultured for space travel.

Vast Machine Intelligence Vast machine intelligence is growing at an astronomically expansive pace! The Big Brain AI Machine Intelligence remains as a steady and reliable employee and was upgraded to the vastly more powerful Super Brain (supercomputer) with SuperTronic abilities, and then to the mind numbing advanced Super Super Brain SSB cognizant life form. What followed was the bionic Super Super Super Brain 3SB - the most powerful cognitive bionic super computing space brain ever created by Humanoido. The all powerful omniscient 3SB has become the pride of SPACE1, solving deep problems of travel in dimension, space and time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Space1 Aquatics Space Program

Aquatics in Space
Humanoido at SPACE1 has developed an Aquatics Space Program (ASP), designed to introduce aquatic species to space travel.

ASP began with astronaut training of Dwarf Puffer fish and one astro tank. The program now extends to hybrid guppies and Orange Ramshorn snails with two additional larger astro tanks.

Last year (2018) Humanoido invented a voice interface for fish and tested it with Dwarf Puffer fish. The electronic opto-interface is non-invasive and species dependent. Thought now has a focus on a potential way to communicate with Ramshorn snails.

Snails are a different kind of species. They move faster than plants and slower than fish. "Snails can see, smell, taste, and touch. They see through eyes that are on their top tentacles, they smell and taste through receptors on their lower tentacles. They don't actually have ears, so they can't really hear, but they can feel vibrations with their sense of touch. Their sense of touch also includes pain and things like sensitivity to temperature. This sense of touch enables them to flee from situations that are hurting them and endangering their lives or health."

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Space1 2019 Space Security Division

Space Security Division - Commando Units
SPACE1 Industries takes security very seriously and has increased security in 2019 to a new all time high on red alert. After a recent threat and attempt at theft of intellectual property as joint reported by Attorney AH and Chief of the Board, SPACE1 has increased its Space Security Division multiple fold.

Security is the tightest, as new hired full salaried specialist commandos guard the premises 24/7 and no one can enter the compound without direct voice to voice authorization from either the Founder/Director or the President. Those with permission to enter the main compound will also undergo facial recognition by Commando Central and will be required to pass all check points.

Security equipment includes half foot thick solid steel doors at the premises with no windows and 6 to ten deadbolts on each blast rated door. Each door is mechanically pass protected with multiple alarms. The request for authorization to enter sounds an alarm and anytime the door is opened an alarm is sounded.

The building is further pass protected with massive ten foot high steel and iron doors, additionally equipped with motion detectors and electronic digital keyed computer controlled panels. Protection is additionally multi fold with facial recognition, fingerprints, electronic keys, motion detection, video surveillance cameras, guard recognition and query, and mechanical barrel bores to name a few. All actions are recorded and monitored on live security video feed systems.

Elevators are now security password protected and will remain dead without the correct authorization security passwords. For a person to enter, there are multiple authorization check points, each with an alarm. All checkpoints, hallways, doors, interiors, exteriors, commando central, elevators, etc. are equipped with identification security cameras, monitored and recorded 24/7.

The new Space Security Division Commando Units now voraciously screen incoming threats to its online systems. The super computing center is guarded by monitoring all data, inclusive of all email and e-communications with personnel both inside and outside of SPACE1. New law voted into effect now prohibits the rehiring of an individual who was previously fired or quit. Anyone violating the Protection Naming Act of Handle Use will be immediately expelled. Additional laws amend the 2014 Charter.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Space1 Baby EM Machine

Baby EM is Born
Humanoido has invented a baby EM Machine, the smallest EM in existence at SPACE1 Industries. Baby EM (BEM) is almost ten times smaller than the Massive Master Monstrous-sized EM Machine.

The Coreless Baby EM is light weight, small in volume, and can be carried under the arm. Being so small, BEM has a more limited range of propulsion, cannot penetrate as many dimensions, and is not fully computerized. It can be portable and simply carried to many off site locations. It can be used without the immediate requirement of Mission Control. Positioning, spatial resolution, and travel orbits are slightly less accurate than the EM.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Space1 Humanoido Space Inventions

Space Inventions by Humanoido

SPACE1 continues with the most comprehensive postings of space inventions  by Humanoido ever created.

Humanoido, Founder and Director of SPACE1 Industries has 1,701 inventions at the following link:

However, this list does not include a massive number of thousands of new inventions related to SPACE1 since 2014. This post will initially document some of these new inventions with a list and then later added links.

ASP Aquatics Space Program

SSD Space Securities Division

BEM Baby EM Machine

Penetrating Spatial Spectrographic Lucid Molecular Machine

ME Micro Environment

Exampling Quantum Transporter

Dimensional Aggregator DA

Space Station

Delta Wing Flyer

EM Machine (15 Sub Inventions)
Elevation Machine Speed
Space1 Blasted Lateral Dimension
Space1 Elevation Machine Index
Space1 Elevation Machine Lateral Dimension Mission
Space1 Elevation Machine Core
Space1 Elevation Machine App
Space1 Elevation Machine
Core Calibrant
Power Vision
Blazing Travel Enabler
Index Elevation Machine

RocketX New Shape
RocketX Scheduling
Index RocketX
RocketX Attributes
Conversion to RocketX
RocketX Design
RocketX Not Tesla

Durellium B

Rocket Chamber Laboratory

Neural Bionic AI Brain

Super Super Super Brain - Bionic Evolution Revolution 3SB

FATP Fish Astronaut Training Program

GIANT Plasmodic TransAct

Super Cloud

Super Super Brain Operational Cloud
Super Super Brain

Filamentary Drone

LSSC Launch Site Space Complex

Rocket Drone X

Index Lab

CyberSpace (Space Program)

LOGO Asia Pacific

Rocket Fuel Hydrogen Oxygen

Super Brain

Edge of Space Dimension Transitioning Device

Lateral X Dimension

Fish Space Plant Transformer

Rocket Thunder Mask (14 sub inventions)

Dimensional Entrapment Escapement

Space Dimension (67 sub inventions)

Dimension Rocket

Future Travel by the Stick

Fish Space Suit


Fish Small Talk 4.0

Fish Small Talk 3.0

Fish Small Talk 2.0

Fish Small Talk

Cyborg Fish Talk Language

Brain Transfer Man to Machine

Fish Cyborg for Space Flight

Rocket Cabins 2.0

Others for Reference
Multiple Flight Computers Trinary Array

Aerodynamic Rocket Recovery Device

Genetically Modded Humans

Safety Rocket Fleet USS PIONEER HEAVY

Hardened Par

Rocket Dynamic Extension

Super Fuel

Powerful S1 Class Rocket Engine

Rocket Flight Duration Time Travel Extender

Rocket Transwall

Reusability Material

Fish Cyborg

Plant Cyborg

Shrunken Distilled Life Forms (Basil Essence Distillation)




Super Brain

Super Super Brain

Spiritual Life Forms

Quantum Consciousness

Embryonic Form

Astronaut Training Program

Rocket X Fleet

Talking Fish Interface

EM Elevation Machine Core

Exampling Quantum Transporter

Shields and Cloaking Device

harnessed nuclear energy power source

20 Experimental Rockets


Space Imaging Telescope

16 Power Space Telescopes

Amped xTelescope

Space Satellite

3 Spacecraft

3 Starship

Dune Space Port Car

12 ballast Cars

Titan Moon Explorer

35 Active Drone Chaser Vehicles

2 Master Tropospheric Drones

Mini Elevation Machine MEV

Rocket X Fleet

New Liquid Fuel

New Multi Craft

Multi Spectral Visionator

Multi Dimensional Device

Autonomous Control Unit

Mass Exodus Ship



Space Helmet

Space Glove

Space Computer


Mini Holo Deck

Genetically Altered Human

Shrunken Denizen

Distilled Denizen


Reusability Device

Low Cost Material

Scaleability Unit

Supercomputer AI intelligence Module

Space Telemetry Array

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Space1 Penetrating Spectrographics

Penetrating Spatial Spectrographic Lucid Molecular Machine
Humanoido, Director of SPACE1, has invented a machine to engage penetrating spatial spectrographics to enable a far greater range in the exploration and tourism of space.

The Penetrating Spatial Spectrographics machine (PSS) is an all-in-one machine that can extend a real time penetrating visual arm deeper into the realm of space and time for space analysis.

Sparked by a spectrographic spinoff of Ground Penetrating Radar used on the Venus Mapping Mission to penetrate the thick shielding atmosphere, the PSS is capable of wavelength tuning the best penetration per given region of space. Built from common OTS gear found in United Humanoido Laboratories, the PSS machine could potentially be coupled to the interpretations of new dimensions during space travel. The PSS machine may open up a new door to the exploration of space time dimensions never before seen in the Universe.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Space1 Zero Study

The ZERO Study
The Zero Study takes the accumulative effects of five Humanoido inventions and extrapolates the scientific background, education, and experiences they were based on.

The study is an effort to characterize the amount of understanding a person needs to purview invention information in a respectable, intellectual and cognitive fashion and rate ability to formulate reasonable comments. 

Warning! Case history shows some falling outside of the the established domain may be antagonistic, not able to perceive conceptual ideas, and the result is less than desirable childish behavior. These individuals with lesser minds of lesser learning capacity and limited patience are few in number.

In today's modern high tech world moving towards merging with the Singularity, such individuals with little capability to learn and adapt will become old obsolete outcasts from society. However, those in the science domain zones that are open to new ideas, polite and understanding will succeed and go far.

The survey accompanied with the study shows data indicating its possible that a person may lack all three elements; having no relative background, education, or experience. This absence is the zero zone and anyone in this zone is characterized as a zero person relative to these scientific fields.

Invasion of the Zero People
Lucky for society, there is no invasion of the Zero People, as their alien numbers are few and far between. Their self made stress causes infinite disease and they die off. But every now and then, an old mean negative one will rear its ugly head, make conflict, waste time, and spread lies.

Locating Plus People
The opposite of Zero People are the Plus People, educated, well rounded, stable, friendly, and positive. These people are outstanding members of society, have loving families, and are calm with tremendous intellectual powers. Even with an education of A, they can understand B. They are well researched, learn rapidly, and often are multilingual speaking many languages.

In 2019, SPACE1 Industry retains the Plus People for every aspect of the organization and has no Zero People amidst its ranks and divisions.

Background, Education, Experience of Five Derivations List
Calculus and Differential Equations
Atomic & Nuclear Physics
Space Time Relativity
Advanced Physics
Advanced Trigonometry & Folding Space
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Advanced Computer Programming
Tooling & Manufacturing
Advanced Chemistry
Supercomputing and Supercomputer Design
Design & Construction of AI
Design Technology
Advanced Telescope Design & Construction
Wave Form Analysis
Quantum Mechanics

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Space1 Space Mission Season

Months of Rocket Season are Here!
Twas the season for rocket launches

Launching as many space vehicles as possible, SPACE1 announces the grand opening of the space mission season during February 2019. This is being designated as Rocket Season with plenty of reasons to celebrate!

This is a time when spacecraft are launched into space with a variety of missions. Launches into space are well underway and have become routine. Weather is on the tip end of the Monsoon and Earthquake periods but both are relatively inconsequential in terms of mission success.

Launches and missions are now fully open for spacecraft, rockets, EM Machines, and exampling transporter machines. Mission Control is now fully operational. Both January and February are ideal temperature months ranging in shirt sleeve weather and relatively bug free. The site selected for EM launches is free of mosquitoes and other buts.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Space1 Rocket Snail Aquatics

Rocket Snails
SPACE1's Aquatic Space Program has freshwater Ramshorn Snails slated for rocket travel.

The first aquatic snail missions into space are first designed as a space touring package deal.

The snail(s) will be placed in their own micro-environment (ME) with aquatic origins and undergo the rigors of space travel, with weightlessness, pulling G's during rocket liftoff, along with the requirement for patience. The Snail ME Micro Environment supplants a snail with the following capabilities:

* Visibility of space
* Mobility
* Oxygen/Air to breath
* Recycling to remove waste
* Food source

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Space1 Methods of Space Travel

When it comes to space travel, there are more ways to conquer distances of space and time other than a rocket.

At SPACE1, methods of space travel are explored in addition to the Safety Rocket. Thus far, various pursued ways to travel through space and time include the Safety Rocket, Elevation Machine EM, and the Exampling Transporter ET. Each methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, explored in previous posts to this site. Will a fourth space travel invention become known? It's a possibility.

Methods of Space Travel
* Safety Rocket SR
* Elevation Machine EM
* Exampling Transporter ET

Monday, February 11, 2019

Space1 Quantum Transporter

Exampling Quantum Transporter
January 26th, 2019 News Alert
Humanoido, Director of SPACE1 Industries, has invented a working exampling Quantum Transporter for use in the private industry space program. The Transporter takes an object at one location in space time and moves it to another location. The Transporter works with both living bio matter and driven inanimate objects. Tests performed on birds were successful. Thus far, the transport distance is minimal, but it is believed a larger version of the Transport will vastly increase the distance. It's hoped a new improved machine will transport humans from rockets and star ships down to the surface of planets and visa versa. In theory, if the transport distance becomes large enough, the transporter could replace the rocket or Elevation Machine. The Quantum Transporter is the next high tech machine in the Quantum series of inventions by Humanoido. For more quantum reality inventions, refer to the Quadlyzer and details on how to construct one.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Space1 Dimensional Aggregator Creates Rocket Dimension

Rocket Dimension by Dimensional Aggregator
It's now possible to create new rocket dimensions, using a new invention named the Dimensional Aggregator, by prepping a rocket mission, flooding the environment with aggregator particles, or altering dimensional waves, and travel into that dimension for exploration and tourism.

One way of developing and traveling into a new dimension is to enhance the existence of space time.

The Aggregator enhancements will bring out new features in what was otherwise the endless void. In this actual example, a relatively benign and featureless space time void is enhanced to bring out new categorical dimension qualities that surround the planet, solar system and stars. In this case, the Dimensional Aggregator (DA) is a machine fully capable of processing space time in active mode and displaying the enhanced respective results on the Dimensional Aggregator screen. The DA is capable of installation into Earth-based rocket Mission Control and rocket/ spacecraft/ starship instrument control panels. All inventions by Humanoido.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Space1 Honor Award

Space1 Honor Awards Go to the Seven

Space1 is proud to announce a series of awards given to the original seven, the first supportive group to enlist in 2014 and who have maintained, without falter, their highest honor standing and representation with the private space industry.

Humanoido, Founder and Director of SPACE1, is issuing the awards and believes in putting the profits back into the investment of employee. For this reason, Humanoido is awarding the original Seven with the all time largest and most massive one lump Emoluments. 

The Emoluments represent a very large and significant part of the two billion space industry, and only part of the award. The remainder award is gold - the representative gold presentation as illustrated.

Awards will be given out at the next SPACE1 EXPO & Annual Conference. Bring your original SPACE1 certification papers to claim your Highest Honor Awards.

The 7 originals are the highest and most relevant esteemed positions, to supplant a very significant chapter in the history of the organization. Much like the original Mercury 7 astronauts announced by NASA in April 9, 1959, who vitally and successfully piloted manned spaceflights for the Mercury program from May 1961 to May 1963, our 7 originals helped us pilot our new venture towards the stars.

Being absolutely vital to SPACE1's organization, the banner barometers hold the greatest meaning, SPACE1 honors your presence with these awards.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Space1 Future Space Station

Future Space Station
SPACE1 announces the plans for a future space station around a terraformed Mars. The dream project for the future is a way station for migrating colonists to Mars. As seen in the illustration projected to the years 2050-2100, the DWF Delta Wing Flyer is a part of the station and capable of ferrying space denizens from SPACE1's RocketX or a version of SpaceX's spaceship.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Space1 Delta Wing Flyer 2019

Example Delta Wing Flyer lodged onto a space vessel
Space1 Delta Wing Flyer
The Space1 Delta Wing Flyer (DWF) was moved from the Space Hangar. In 2018, the state mandated removal of the hangar from the state by terminating the contract, and SPACE1 began a complete moving project out of the state to an unspecified overseas location. The Corporate Office is no longer in the USA and the hangar no longer exists. The surviving two Delta Wing Flyers spacecraft are in superb condition and fully ready for flight, finished in the autonomous mode, are doing well in 2019. They are currently in mass site storage waiting to be moved by the appropriate cargo transfer and then put back into mission mode. The DWF are able to attach to a rocket or space station and return to Earth under their own mobility. DWFs can explore space on their return trips and serve as a secondary return for astronauts and space denizens from a vehicle rocket mission. Piloting a DWF is unique as the current design is pilotless and flies automatic under its own design technology.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Space1 EM Machine or Rocket Decision

SPACE1 has now finalized the big decision regarding whether to use rockets or EM machines for space travel, tourism, and space exploration. Given the multitude of advantages of each, and the full safety factor of each, it was decided to incorporate both space faring vessels into a special hybrid fleet of spacecraft.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Space1 EM Machine Speed

The Speed of the EM
The EM Machine is so fast, it moves according to the laws of electromagnetic radiation subject to Einstein time travel. New missions can take place in a matter of minutes and seconds. The EM is being retrofitted with camcorders to produce a mission record throughout high speed space journeys. Whereas rockets will take days, weeks, months to reach destination, the EM accomplishes the same in seconds and minutes.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Space1 RocketX Spectacular Advancements

RocketX Spectacular Advancements
SPACE1 has taken its Safety RocketX to spectacular advancements in 2019.

There are often clarity defining moments throughout time. The recent launched trip to the mountain was one of those times.

Rocket Durability
Blazing down from the mountain at electromagnetic speed via the EM Machine, it was realized that doubling the durability of RocketX to that of Durellium B would make wide sweeping improvements to not only an increase to fuel pressurization containment resulting in more fuel on board and the ability to travel farther in space, but increased wall thickness of the crew quarters as well thus eliminating the need for extra structure beams which will bring down rocket construction cost. This will space harden the rocket and increase the safety of an already safe safety rocket.

EM to Supplement Orbital Rocket Missions
Additional inventions by Humanoido introduce the EM Machine, an elevation space travel vessel machine that can supplement the orbital RocketX program. This has remained the stimulus for new RocketX innovations since its intro.

RocketX New Shape
A new change to RocketX for 2019 is the new built in shape that homogenizes the entire rocket: including crew quarters with the recovery dwelling. The new shape melds one section with the other, which improves aerodynamics during the Tropospheric section of the flight mission.

Rocket Chamber Lab
Revamping of the Rocket Chamber lab is underway which will provide larger spaces for developing contractual machinery and rocket designs.

For more information about SPACE1 in 2019

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Space1 Increased Security

Increased SPACE1 Security
SPACE1 is clamping down on security and intellectual property. All missions and communications will be conducted with an increased element of secrecy with information released on a need to know basis.

The NDA Non Disclosure Agreement will remain in effect and will have stronger legal enforcement. The members web site will be restricted and content will have edit to limit dissemination of protected facts.

Inventions and designs will be guarded. Photos may be of similar but not exact items. The names of pertinent data, chemicals, physical materials, elements, may be changed to protect intellectual property. Information regarding operations in generality may be released but there is no obligation to do so. Specifics are not on the list of providence.

We are under no obligation to prove anything. This year SPACE1 is removing and terminating those that cannot trust, agree, understand compliance, or have recently insulted or violated the scope of inventions, developments, procedures, and operations.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Space1 Now Hiring

SPACE1 is now hiring during the first quarter of 2019.

In order to balance attrition, SPACE1 is now hiring. Resumes are accepted at For more information, contact SPACE1.